Resolution authorizing a grant agreement with the African American Chamber of Commerce of Western Pennsylvania for a pilot program that will incentivize Pittsburgh businesses to hire City residents that are recipients of the Pittsburgh Promise in an amount not to exceed sixty thousand dollars.
WHEREAS, Imagine Pittsburgh, a program of the Allegheny Conference on Economic Development, estimates that there are more than 600,000 job openings in the Pittsburgh area; and
WHEREAS, it’s incumbent upon the City of Pittsburgh to support a dynamic and diverse workforce within the City, as well as the many businesses that make up its vibrant and expanding economic landscape; and
WHEREAS, the Pittsburgh Promise aims to deploy a well-prepared and energized work force by offering scholarships and resources for higher education to graduates of the Pittsburgh Public School system; and
WHEREAS, the retention of Pittsburgh Promise recipients within the City stands to further strengthen our local economy and secure Pittsburgh as the continued home to a new generation of workers; and
WHEREAS, in partnership with the African American Chamber of Commerce of Western Pennsylvania, the City of Pittsburgh can establish a competitive funding program that awards grants to Pittsburgh Promise recipients who chose to stay and work in the City, as well as the local businesses that hire them and drive our economy; and
WHEREAS, the goal of this program and partnership is to entice Pittsburgh Promise recipients to stay within the City of Pittsburgh upon graduation and encourage their hiring and cultivation as part of our workforce by local businesses.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Department of Personnel is hereby authorized to enter into a grant agreement with the African American Chamber of Commerce of Western Pennsylvania for an employment program in an amount not to exceed sixty thousand dollars, payable from the following account:11101.109000.58.58101.2016, General Fund, Department of Personnel, Miscellaneous, Grants, Year 2016
Section 2. At the conclusion of the program, the African American Chamber of Commerce of Western Pennsylvania shall issue a report to the Pittsburgh City Council detailing the achievements of the program.