WHEREAS, Dan Gilman was elected as District 8 Council Member of the City of Pittsburgh in 2013 after serving as Chief of Staff to then-councilman Bill Peduto and re-elected to a second term. He resigned early in 2018 to accept the position of Mayor Peduto’s Chief of Staff; and,
WHEREAS, during his tenure as a Council Member, he has had the opportunity to work with City departments to address neighborhood issues from flooding to potholes to student housing and he has written numerous legislation pieces to protect the environment, grow businesses, and promote diversity and transparency; and,
WHEREAS, since 2018, Mr. Gilman has been responsible for carrying out the Mayor’s vision for the City, which includes the oversight of leadership and operations of all city departments; and,
WHEREAS, Mr. Gilman has worked with Mayor Peduto on efforts to modernize city government, improve city services, develop Pittsburgh’s economy and bring opportunities to the residents of the City of Pittsburgh; and,
WHEREAS, Mr. Gilman was selected to join The New DEAL, a national network committed to highlighting pragmatic progressives with innovative ideas at the state and local level. He was also named Vice Chair of the National League of Cities (NLC) University Communities Council; and,
WHEREAS, Dan is known for his impeccable work ethic and his dedication to the City of Pittsburgh is unparalleled. He has been recognized as one of Pittsburgh’s “40 Under 40” by Pittsburgh Magazine and Pittsburgh Urban Magnet Project, as well as one of Pittsburgh’s “50 Finest” by Whirl Magazine; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby recognize and commend Dan Gilman for his commitment to the City of Pittsburgh and his tireless work for Pittsburgh and its neighborhoods; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Tuesday, December 28, 2021 to be “Mr. Dan Gilman Day” in the City of Pittsburgh.