Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of City Planning to amend an Agreement with Interface Studio, LLC, for the purpose of assigning the additional JDE accounts ## 1129400174.53901.00, 1129400178.53901.00 and Item # 1156, in order to make payments pursuant to said Agreement.
WHEREAS, the City wishes to investigate the creation of the Uptown and Fifth/Forbes Corridor Investment District as part of a broader community revitalization strategy known as the EcoInnovation District; and
WHEREAS, such planning will include, but not be limited to, consideration of a Transit Revitalization Improvement District (“TRID”); and
WHEREAS, the Transit Revitalization Investment District Act, Act of December 8, 2004, P.L. 1801, No. 238, codified at 73 P.S. §§ 850.101 et seq. (collectively, the "Act") authorizes public transportation agencies to work cooperatively with counties, local governments, transportation authorities, the private sector, and other providers of public transportation to create TRIDs; and
WHEREAS, creating a TRID provides local taxing bodies with authority to cooperate in establishing transit-oriented development and value capture areas, as defined in the Act, within their respective jurisdictions to increase the tax base and improve the general economy; and
WHEREAS, the City and the Urban Redevelopment Authority plan to work cooperatively regarding the Uptown and Fifth/Forbes Corridor Investment District, including the investigation of the creation of a TRID within such designated area; and
WHEREAS, in order to fund the consideration/creation of the Uptown and Fifth/Forbes Corridor Investment District, the City wishes to allocate capital funding to undertake necessary planning and implementation activities for a proposed TRID and other Corridor Investment District components, including but not limited to, a TRID Planning Study; partnering with community stakeholders to complete a target market analysis; projecting future infrastructure needs; developing funding mechanisms aligned with land use controls; updating the community vision to the neighborhood's sustainability, parking, and density needs, and socio-economic goals through public process; and
WHEREAS, upon completion of the Investment District work and required TRID planning components, legislation will be presented to City Council for adoption of proposed plans, zoning, policies and procedures in support of the creation of the TRID and the implementation framework for the broader Uptown and Fifth/Forbes Corridor Investment District.
WHEREAS, Council enacted resolution number 801, effective November 25, 2014, whereby the following was contemplated: The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) is in the process of filing grant applications for Transit Oriented Development Planning Pilot Program funds from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). In the event that the URA receives Transit Oriented Development Planning Pilot Program funds from the FTA, such grant funds will be used to offset the City’s allocated One Million, Six Hundred Twenty-Eight Thousand, Five Hundred Sixty-Seven Dollars and forty-five cents ($1,628,567.00) for the cost of the creation of the Uptown and Fifth/Forbes Corridor Investment District; and
WHEREAS, Council enacted resolution number 801, effective November 25, 2014, whereby the following was contemplated: If required for the DCED and FTA grant applications, a portion of the City monies identified above may be designated as required local matching funds up to Five Hundred Thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for the local match for the FTA grant, Twenty-Five Thousand dollars ($25,000.00) for the local match for the DCED grant; and
WHEREAS, in December, 2015, the FTA awarded One Million, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars and Zero cents ($1,200,000.00) to the URA for the Transit Oriented Development Planning Pilot Program; and
WHEREAS, in February, 2016, the DCED awarded Seventy Five Thousand Dollars and Zero cents ($75,000.00) to the City of Pittsburgh for the Fifth/Forbes Corridor Transit Revitalization Investment District planning project; and
WHEREAS, on or about December 21, 2015, the City entered into an agreement with Interface Studio, LLC, pursuant to an RFP issued on or about March 26, 2015 for the purposes of developing the Uptown EcoInnovation District Plan and related planning and implementation items (the “Project”) pursuant to authorizing resolution number 801, effective November 25, 2014.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1.
A. The Mayor and the Director of City Planning, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to amend an Agreement with Interface Studio, LLC, for the purpose of assigning the additional JDE accounts ## 1129400174.53901.00, 1129400178.53901.00 and Item # 1156, in order to make payments pursuant to said Agreement in a form approved by the City Solicitor for the purpose of creation and implementation of the Uptown and Fifth/Forbes Corridor Investment District, including, but not limited to, those expenses pertaining to the proposed creation of an Uptown and Fifth/Forbes Corridor TRID.
B. The amendment to the above-referenced Agreement will be subject to the approval of the City Solicitor as to form and substance.
C. Monies used for the Agreement with Interface Studio, LLC in furtherance of the Uptown and Fifth/Forbes Corridor Investment District planning purposes will be chargeable to and payable from the following accounts:
JD EDWARDS # Item # Amount Source
1130087009.53537.00 5215 $235,255.00 Capital Budget
1129400174.53901.00 1156 $941,020.00 FTA Sub-Grant
1129400178.53901.00 1156 $75,000.00 DCED Grant
D. The following paragraph to the above-reference agreement with Interface Studio, LLC dated December 21, 2015, currently reads:
4. PITTSBURGH HOME RULE CHARTER: LIABILITY OF THE CITY. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of the Pittsburgh Home Rule Charter, and the liability of the CITY hereunder cannot exceed the sum of One Million Two-Hundred-Fifty-One Thousand Two-Hundred-Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,251,275.00), appropriated for the same, chargeable to and payable from the following account(s):
JD EDWARDS # Item # Amount
1130087009.53537.00 5215 $534,623.28
1130087010.53537.00 5215 $716,651.72
Said paragraph will now read as follows:
4. PITTSBURGH HOME RULE CHARTER: LIABILITY OF THE CITY. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of the Pittsburgh Home Rule Charter, and the liability of the CITY hereunder cannot exceed the sum of One Million Two-Hundred-Fifty-One Thousand Two-Hundred-Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,251,275.00), appropriated for the same, chargeable to and payable from the following account(s):
JD EDWARDS # Item # Amount
1130087009.53537.00 5215 $235,255.00
1129400174.53901.00 1156 $941,020.00
1129400178.53901.00 1156 $75,000.00