Resolution authorizing the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh to acquire all of the City's Right, Title and Interest, if any, in and to the Publicly-Owned Property in the 25th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh Designated in the Deed Registry Office of Allegheny County as Block 23-G, Lots 344 and 345 under the Residential Land Reserve Fund - Vacant Land on Henderson Street and 71 Henderson Street - (Council District No. 6).
Whereas, by Ordinance No. 393 of 1967, as amended, the Council of the City of Pittsburgh authorized the Mayor and the Director of Department of Lands and Buildings to enter into a Cooperation Agreement with the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh providing for the establishment of a Residential Land Reserve Fund and specifying the purposes, amount, and source of said Fund; and
Whereas, in accordance with the terms and provisions of said Ordinance No. 393 of 1967, as amended, the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Lands and Buildings of the City of Pittsburgh entered into a Cooperation Agreement with the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh dated October 20, 1967, as amended; and
Whereas, in accordance with the terms and provisions of said Residential Land Reserve Fund Cooperation Agreement, the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh must obtain the approval of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh prior to the acquisition of any vacant and improved real property; and
Whereas, the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, in accordance with the terms and conditions of said Cooperation Agreement desires to acquire all of the City’s right, title and interest, if any, in and to the publicly-owned property in the 25th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh designated in the Deed Registry Office of Allegheny County as Block 23-G, Lots 344 and 345, for the sum of $1.00 plus all necessary and incidental expenses in connection with such acquisition; and
Whereas, the Council of the City of Pittsburgh believes that the aforesaid acquisition of said publicly-owned property by Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh will effectuate the purposes and provisions of the said Residential Land Reserve Fund Cooperation Agreement and desires to give approval to the acquisition by Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh.
Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. That the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, in accordance with the purposes and provisions of the Residential Land Reserve Fund Cooperation Agreement dated October 20, 1967, between said Authority and the City of Pittsburgh, be and is hereby authorized to acquire, for
the sum of $1.00 plus all necessary and incidental expenses in connection with such acquisition, all of the City's right, title and interest, if any, in and to publicly-owned property in the 25th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh designated in the Deed Registry Office of Allegheny County as Block 23-G, Lots 344 and 345.
Section 2. That the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh is authorized to incur said necessary and incidental expenses in connection with said acquisition as allowed under the Residential Land Reserve Fund Cooperation Agreement, all of which sums shall be paid out of the monies of the Residential Land Reserve Fund.
Authorizing the URA to acquire all of the City's right, title, and interest, if any, in and to the publicly-owned property in the 25th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh being designated as Block 23-G, Lots 344 and 345, under the Residential Land Reserve Fund.