Presented by Mr. Deasy
Resolution vacating Clark Way, Clark Street, Judge Street and a portion of Rose Street in the 3rd Ward, 6th Council District, of the City of Pittsburgh.
WHEREAS, it appears by the petition and affidavit on file in the Office of the City Clerk that the owners of all the property fronting or abutting on the line of Clark Way, Clark Street, Judge Street & Rose Street in the 3rd Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh, have petitioned the council of the City of Pittsburgh to enact a resolution for the vacation of same, and
WHEREAS, said petition contains inter-alia, an indemnification of the city from any claims and from the payment of any damages whatsoever resulting to any properties owned by the petitioners or by and persons whatsoever, abutting or non-abutting, for or by reason of said vacation; therefore
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. That vacating Clark Way, 10 feet wide, from Heldman Street Eastward for a distance of 100 feet to Clark Street containing approximately 1, 000 square feet of area.
Clark Street, 40 feet wide, from the Easterly end of Clark Way to its terminus a distance of 122.46 feet containing 4,898.4 square feet of area.
Judge Street, 30 feet wide, from Kearney Way westwardly to its terminus for an average distance of 72.35 feet containing 2, 170.5 square feet of area.
Rose Street, 50 feet wide, from Heldman Street Eastward to the intersection with Kearney Way for a distance of 259.54 feet containing 12, 977 square feet of area; and also
Clark Way:
1. The Water Index Plat 011A indicates that there is a 6" PWSA waterline in Clark Way. The existing waterline can be abandoned if the abutting properties are to be demolished and/or removed sand said properties are consolidated into one large lot. The said 6" Waterline must be abandoned and a Tap Termination Plan filed according to PWSA current regulations. The existing tees, valves and appurtenances must also be removed in Clark Way and Heldman Street.
2. The Sewer Index Plat 011.4 indicates that there is a 18" PWSA sewer main in Clark Way, The existing Sewerline can be abandoned if the abutting properties are to be demolished and/or removed and said properties are consolidated into one large lot. The said 18" Sewerline must be abandoned and a Tap Termination Plan filed according to PWSA current regulations.
3. If existing abutting units remain, said 6" water main and 18" sewer main can not be removed and must remain in service.
Rose Street:
1. The Water Index Plat 011A indicates that there is a 6" PWSA waterline Rose Street. The existing waterline in the proposed vacated area can be abandoned if the abutting properties are to be demolished and/or removed and said properties are consolidated into one large lot. The said 6" waterline must be abandoned and Tap Termination Plan filed according to PWSA current regulations. The existing tees, valves and appurtenances must also be removed in Rose Street and Heldman Street.
2. The Sewer Index Plat 011.4 indicates that there is a 15" PWSA sewer main in Rose Street. The existing sewerline in the proposed vacated area can be abandoned if the abutting properties are to be demolished and/or removed and said properties are consolidated into one large lot. The said 15" sewerline must be abandoned according to PWSA current regulations and a Tap Termination Plan submitted.
3. If existing abutting units remain said 6" Water main and 15" sewer main can not be removed and must remain in service.
Containing a total of 21,045.9 square feet located therein, in the 3rd Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh as described above shall be and the same is hereby vacated.