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File #: 2024-0984    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Not Introduced
File created: 9/27/2024 In control: Committee on Land Use and Economic Development
On agenda: Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Effective date:    
Title: Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planning Districts, Chapter 908 Public Realm Districts, Chapter 909 Planned Development Districts, Article V, Use Regulations, Chapter 911, Primary Uses, Section 911.02, Use Table, and Section 911.04, Use Standards, Chapter 912, Accessory Uses and Structures, Section 912.08 Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay District, Chapter 913, Use Exceptions and Conditions Not Listed in Use Table, Section 913.02 Administrator Exceptions, and Article IX Measurements and Definitions, Chapter 926, Definitions, to address Fair Housing Act inconsistencies in the Zoning Code. (Needs to be held for Public Hearing)
Attachments: 1. 2024-0984 Cover Letter Coverletter for Council, 2. 2024-0984 Fair Housing Hearing Report 2024-09-03, 3. 2024-0984 Fair Housing Legislation PC Decision 2024-09-03, 4. Summary 2024-0984


Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planning Districts, Chapter 908 Public Realm Districts, Chapter 909 Planned Development Districts, Article V, Use Regulations, Chapter 911, Primary Uses, Section 911.02, Use Table, and Section 911.04, Use Standards, Chapter 912, Accessory Uses and Structures, Section 912.08 Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay District, Chapter 913, Use Exceptions and Conditions Not Listed in Use Table, Section 913.02 Administrator Exceptions, and Article IX Measurements and Definitions, Chapter 926, Definitions, to address Fair Housing Act inconsistencies in the Zoning Code.

(Needs to be held for Public Hearing)



The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:


Section 1.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planning Districts is hereby amended at Chapter 908, Section 908.02.D, Grandview Public Realm, as follows:


908.02.D Grandview Public Realm Subdistricts

908.02.D.1 Grandview Subdistrict A/GPR-A

(a)Permitted Uses

The following uses shall be permitted by-right in GPR-A subdistrict:

Single-Unit Detached Residential

Single-Unit Attached Residential

Two-Unit Residential

Personal Care Home (Limited)

Senior Housing (Limited)

Accessory uses in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 912, Accessory Uses.


(1)Main Structure

The maximum height of primary structures in GPR-A shall be forty (40) feet.

(2)Accessory Structure

The maximum height of accessory structures in GPR-A shall be fifteen (15) feet.


(1)Single-Unit Attached Residential

The minimum lot area per dwelling unit in GPR-A shall be two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet.

(2)Single-Unit Detached and Two-Unit Residential

The minimum lot area per dwelling unit in GPR-A shall be three thousand (3,000) square feet.


Use exceptions are the same as those found in Chapter 903 for the RT-3, Residential Two-Unit, Moderate Density district.

908.02.D.2 Grandview Subdistrict B/GPR-B

(a)Permitted Uses

The following uses shall be permitted by-right in GPR-B subdistrict:

Single-Unit Detached Residential

Single-Unit Attached Residential

Two-Unit Residential

Three-Unit Residential

Multi-Unit Residential

Assisted Living (Limited and General)

Senior Housing (Limited and General)

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General)

Personal Care Home (Limited and General)

Accessory uses in accordance with the Accessory Use regulations of Chapter 913.


(1)Main Structure

The maximum height of primary structures in GPR-B shall be forty (40) feet. (see Section 908.02.H for Special Exception to permit Main Structure height of nine (9) stories)

(2)Accessory Structure

The maximum height of accessory structures in GPR-B shall be fifteen (15) feet.


(1)Multi-Unit Residential

The minimum lot area per unit for Multi-Unit Residential uses in GPR-B shall be six hundred (600) square feet.

(2)Single-Unit Attached Residential

The minimum lot area per unit for Single-Unit Attached Residential in GPR-B shall be two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet.

(3)Single-Unit Detached and Two- and Three-Unit Residential

The minimum lot area per unit for Single-Unit Detached and Two- and Three-Unit Residential uses in GPR-B shall be three thousand (3,000) square feet.


Use exceptions are the same as those found in Chapter 903 for the RTS-3, Three-Unit Residential, Moderate Density district.

908.02.D.3 Grandview Subdistrict C/GPR-C

(a)Permitted Uses

The following uses shall be Permitted By-Right within GPR-C subdistrict:

Single-Unit Detached Residential

Single-Unit Attached Residential

Two-Unit Residential

Three-Unit Residential

Multi-Unit Residential

Library (Limited)

Cultural Facility (Limited)

Assisted Living (Limited and General)

Senior Housing (Limited and General)

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General)

Personal Care Home (Limited and General) 

Accessory Uses in accordance with the Accessory Use regulations of Chapter 913.

(b)Uses Permitted By Administrator Exception

The following uses shall be allowed as in accordance with the review procedures of Sec. 922.04 and the standards listed below:

(1)Hotel/Motel (Limited and General) uses shall be allowed as Administrator Exceptions in GPR-C provided that:

The proposed use is limited to fifty (50) rooms or suites; and

The proposed use contains no more than one (1) restaurant or eating area with a seating capacity of no more than fifty (50) persons.

(2)Retail Sales and Services (Limited) uses shall be allowed as Administrator Exceptions in GPR-C provided that:

a.The proposed use shall be of no more than eight thousand (8,000) square feet.

(3)Restaurant (Limited and General) uses shall be allowed as Administrator Exceptions in GPR-C provided that:

a.The proposed use shall be of no more than eight thousand (8,000) square feet.

(4) Interim Housing uses shall be allowed as Administrator Exceptions in GPR-C                      provided that:

a. The proposed use shall comply with the use standards as detailed in 911.04.A.101.                      


(1)Main Structure

The maximum height of primary structures in GPR-C shall be forty (40) feet. (see Section 908.02.H for Special Exception to permit Main Structure height of nine (9) stories)

(2)Accessory Structure

The maximum height of accessory structures in GPR-C shall be fifteen (15) feet.


(1)Multi-Unit Residential

The minimum lot area per unit for Multi-Unit Residential use in GPR-C shall be six hundred (600) square feet.

(2)Single-Unit Attached Residential

The minimum lot area per unit for Single-Unit Attached Residential uses in GPR-C shall be two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet.

(3)Single-Unit Detached and Two- and Three-Unit Residential

The minimum lot area per unit for Single-Unit Detached and Two- and Three-Unit Residential uses in GPR-C shall be three hundred (300) square feet.


Use exceptions are the same as those found in Chapter 903 for the RTS-3, Three-unit Residential, Moderate Density District.

908.02.D.4 Grandview Subdistrict D/GPR-D

(a)Permitted Uses

The following uses shall be permitted by-right in GPR-D subdistrict:

(1)Single-Unit Detached Residential

(2)Single-Unit Attached Residential

(3)Two-Unit Residential

(4)Three-Unit Residential

(5)Multi-Unit Residential

(6)Assisted Living (Limited and General)

(7) Senior Housing (Limited and General)

(8) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General)

(9) Personal Care Home (Limited and General) 

(10) Accessory uses in accordance with the Accessory Use regulations of Chapter 913.


(1)Main Structure

The maximum height of primary structures in GPR-D shall be forty (40) feet.

(2)Accessory Structure

The maximum height of accessory structures in GPR-D shall be fifteen (15) feet.


(1)Multi-Unit Residential

The minimum lot area per unit for Multi-Unit Residential uses in GPR-D shall be six hundred (600) square feet.

(2)Single-Unit Attached Residential

The minimum lot area per unit for Single-Unit Attached Residential in GPR-D shall be 2500 square feet.

(3)Single-Unit Detached and Two- and Three-Unit Residential

The minimum lot area per unit for Single-Unit Detached and Two- and Three-Unit Residential uses in GPR-D shall be three thousand (3,000) square feet.


Use exceptions are the same as those found in Chapter 903 for the R3-M, Three-Unit Residential, Moderate Density district.

908.02.E Special Exceptions

The following Special Exceptions shall be permitted in the Grandview Public Realm District in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 922.07.

908.02.E.1 Height

The erection of a building that exceeds forty (40) feet in height shall be permitted in subdistricts GPR-B and GPR-C provided that:

(a)The zoning lot shall be located on the southerly side of Grandview Avenue;

(b)The building shall be solely occupied for residential purposes in the GPR-B subdistrict;

(c)Any portion of the proposed building above forty (40) feet shall be within five hundred (500) feet of an existing building which exceeds forty (40) feet in height as measured along the Grandview Avenue frontage;

(d)The maximum height of the building shall not be more than one hundred (100) feet;

(e)The height of the building shall vary in generally the same direction as the natural slope along Grandview Avenue, such that taller portions of the building shall be located at the higher elevations of Grandview and the lower portions of the building shall be located at the lower elevations of Grandview; and

(f)The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall evaluate a report and recommendation from the Planning Director on the planning and urban design impacts of the proposed building, and on its consistency with the recommendations of any relevant studies and policies adopted by the Commission for the Grandview area.

Section 2.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planning Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 908, 908.03, Oakland Public Realm, as follows:

908.03.D.2 Oakland Subdistrict B/OPR-B: Craig Street


To encourage retail and restaurant uses in the ground floors of buildings.

To encourage a variety of residential and office-like uses on the upper floors of buildings.

(b)Permitted Uses

The following uses shall be permitted by-right in the OPR-B Subdistrict:

Two-unit residential

Three-unit residential

Multi-unit residential

Assisted Living (Limited and General)

Senior Housing (Limited and General)

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General)

Personal Care Home (Limited and General)

Art or Music Studio

Bank or Financial Institution (limited)

Bed and Breakfast (limited)

Community Center (limited)

Cultural Services (limited)

Library (limited and general)

Medical Office (limited and general)

Office (limited and general)

Religious Assembly (limited)

Restaurant, Fast Food (limited)

Restaurant (limited)

Retail Sales and Services (limited)

Accessory uses in accordance with the Accessory Use regulations of Chapter 912. In addition, accessory uses in the uses in the OPR-B Subdistrict shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the gross floor area of the primary use.

(c)Site Development Standards

Site Development Standard

OPR-B Regulation

Minimum Lot Size


Maximum Floor Area Ratio


Minimum Front Setback

0 feet

Minimum Rear Setback


When not adjacent to way

20 feet

When adjacent to way

0 feet

Minimum Interior Sideyard Setback

0 feet

Minimum Street Sideyard Setback

0 feet

Maximum Lot Coverage


Maximum Height

60 feet  (see Section 908.03.D.2.f for Special Exception for additional height)


(d)Specific Project Development Plan Standards

No accessory surface parking will be permitted without the applicant providing the alternatives considered and the reasons why those alternatives were not determined to be acceptable by the applicant.

New construction shall maintain a sixty-five (65) percent building frontage along the established build-to-line.

The street level facade shall be transparent between the height of three (3) feet and eight (8) feet above the walkway grade for no less than sixty (60) percent of the horizontal length of the building facade.

All Primary Structures shall provide a prominent and highly visible street level doorway or entrance on the facade of the building that fronts onto Craig Street.

(e)Use Exceptions

Use exceptions are the same as those for the Local Neighborhood Commercial/LNC district as listed in the Use Table in Chapter 911.02.

(f)Special Exception for Height in the OPR-B Subdistrict

Additional height above sixty (60) feet in the Oakland Public Realm Subdistrict B shall be allowed in accordance with the Special Exception procedures of Section 922.07 with the following standards:

The maximum height shall be eighty-five (85) feet;

The additional height will not create detrimental impacts on nearby properties through consideration of the additional traffic impacts caused by the additional height, the impacts on views from such properties, and the impacts of the bulk of the buildings on such properties.

Section 3.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planning Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 908, 908.04, Uptown Public Realm, as follows:

908.04.D.2 Uptown Subdistrict B/UPR-B: Residential Core


To encourage a diverse range of residential use types;

To encourage appropriately scaled infill development; and

To encourage creative/industrial and live/work uses.


Uses are the same as those found in Chapter 903 for the LNC, Local Neighborhood Commercial District, except where modified below.

Permitted By Right:

Housing for the Elderly 

Housing for the Elderly

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited)

Grocery Store (General)

Laboratory/Research Services (General)

Office (General)

Recycling Collection Station

Restaurant (General)

Retail Sales and Services (General)

Not permitted:

Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility

Excavation/Grading/Fill, Major

Hotel/Motel (General)

Service Station

Vehicle/Equipment Sales (Limited)

Special Exceptions:

Agriculture (General)

Agriculture (Limited) with Beekeeping

Agriculture (Limited)

Hotel/Motel (Limited)

Manufacturing and Assembly (Limited)

Manufacturing and Assembly (General)

Nursery, Retail (Limited)

Nursery, Retail (General)

Parking, Structured (General)

Incinerator, Solid Waste

Recycling Processing Center

Warehouse (Limited)

Welding or Machine Shop

Administrator Exception:

     Multi-Suite Residential (General)

New and Unlisted Uses

In accordance with 922.08, the Zoning Administrator shall consider New and Unlisted Uses consistent with the Uptown / West Oakland EcoInnovation District Plan, as adopted by Planning Commission.

Accessory uses shall be allowed in accordance with the Accessory Use regulations of Chapter 912.

c.Conditions of approval for Special Exceptions

Parking, Structured (General) uses shall not be permitted unless at least three (3) of the following site features are included:

On-site renewable energy generation;

Combined heat and power with battery storage;

Connection to district energy system;

Connection to smart/micro-energy grid;

Secured bike storage;

Bike share station;

Electric vehicle charging for 10% of spaces;

Green infrastructure that mitigates stormwater runoff from the right-of-way and is in accordance with all requirements of Title Thirteen: Stormwater Management, as applicable;

Air or other environmental quality monitors;

Neighborhood scale recycling collection station; and

Neighborhood scale compost station.

d.Site Development Standards

Site Development Standard

UPR-B Regulation

Minimum Lot Size


Minimum Height

20 feet

Maximum Height without Bonus

40 feet

Maximum Height with Bonus

70 feet

Minimum Interior Sideyard Setbacks

0 feet

Minimum Front and Exterior Sideyard Setbacks


First 40 feet from ground level

0 feet

41-70 feet from ground level

10 feet

  Heights are measured from grade on primary frontage.


Minimum Rear Setback


When not adjacent to way, Tustin Street or Watson Street

20 feet

When adjacent to way, Tustin Street or Watson Street

0 feet



Section 4.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planned Development Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 909, Section 909.01.F, Specially Planned Districts SP-1 Pittsburgh Technology Center, as follows:

909.01.F SP-1 Pittsburgh Technology Center

The provisions of this section apply to all land within the SP-1 district, which is generally bounded by: Second Avenue on the north; the Monongahela River on the south; the Birmingham Bridge on the west; and beyond the Monongahela Connecting Bridge on the east.

909.01.F.1 Use Regulations

In the SP-1 District, land and structures may be used, and structures may be erected, altered or enlarged for only the uses listed in this section:

(a)Laboratory/Research Services, including, but not limited to, advanced methodologies and processes in biotechnology, modern biological technology, computer hardware and software, and artificial intelligence and accessory and support facilities related to these uses;

(b)Manufacturing and Assembly associated with the uses listed in Section 909.01.F.-1(a), with the following standards:

(i)the design of these items results from the research and development activities of the research institutions and companies located on the site;

(ii)the assembly and manufacturing uses are such that no explosive materials or processes are involved; and

(iii)the uses produce no smoke, odor, vibration, noise, heat, dust, glaring light or other hazard or noxious or objectionable attribute is noticeable from outside any building;

(c)Office uses associated with the onsite financing, management and administration of any of the uses listed in Section 909.01.F.1(a);

(d)Office uses involved with or related to biotechnology, biologic research, computer software, or other uses as determined by the Planning Commission;

(e)Parking Structures, provided the use supports development in the SP-1 district;

(f)Hotel/Motel (limited and general);

(g)Restaurant, provided that the use is located in a larger building or is on an adjacent parcel to a parking structure;

(h)Retail sales and services, provided that the use is located in a larger building or is on an adjacent parcel to a parking structure;

(i)Multi-Unit Residential; and

(j) Assisted Living (Limited and General);

(k) Senior Housing (Limited and General);

(l) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General);

(m) Personal Care Home (Limited and General);

(n) Interim Housing, subject to the Administrator Exception procedures in Section 922.08; and


(j)(o) Accessory uses and structures, when clearly incidental to the uses listed in Sections 909.01.F.1(a) through 909.01.F.1(c) and located within the buildable area of the district, including:

(1)Minor parking area or minor parking garage;

(2)Business services clearly related and incidental to permitted principal uses, and only when primarily serving those uses; and

(3)Child Day Care Center, only when located within a building housing a permitted principal use.


Section 5.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planned Development Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 909, Section 909.01.I, Specially Planned Districts SP-4 Station Square, as follows:

909.01.I SP-4 Station Square

The provisions of this section apply to all land within the SP-4 District, which is generally bounded by the most easterly property line of Block and Lot 4-D-45, Carson Street on the south, a line approximately one thousand nine hundred (1,900) feet west of the Fort Pitt Bridge on the west, and the Monongahela River on the north.

909.01.I.1 SP-4 (I), Park/Landing Subdistrict

The SP-4(I) subdistrict is generally bounded by the Fort Pitt Bridge, the Monongahela River, Commerce Drive, and West Carson Street.

(a)Use Regulations

Within the SP-4(I) subdistrict, land and structures may be used, and structures may be erected, altered, demolished or enlarged for only the following uses:

(1)Multiple-unit dwellings;

(2)Restaurants, including those with entertainment;


(4)Institutional, limited to museum, exhibition, and library;



(7)Major parking area or major parking garage;

(8)Child day care center;

(9)Retail uses within buildings where such services are not the principal use, and only when located within a structure housing a permitted principal use;

(10)Transportation right-of-way, roadway and trackage, including shelter and comfort stations incident to the use thereof;

(11)Accessory uses that are clearly incidental to permitted principal uses, and only when located within a structure housing a permitted principal use;

(12)Signs larger than twenty (20) square feet that are visible from the river or from across the river shall be neon and positioned so as to maximize reflection in the river;

(13)Gaming enterprise.;

(14) Assisted Living (Limited and General);

(15) Senior Housing (Limited and General);

(16) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General);

(17) Personal Care Home (Limited and General); and

(18) Interim Housing, subject to the Administrator Exception procedures in Section 922.08.


(b)Maximum Height

The height of structures hereafter erected or enlarged in the SP-4(I) subdistrict shall not exceed the following limits:

(1)Structures north of Station Square Road: Sixty (60) feet;

(2)Structures south of Station Square Road: One hundred (100) feet.

909.01.I.2 SP-4 (II), Pointview

The SP-4(II) subdistrict is generally bounded by the western boundary of the SP-4 District, the Monongahela River, the Fort Pitt Bridge, and West Carson Street.

(a)Use Regulations

Within the SP-4(II) subdistrict land may be used and structures may be erected, altered, demolished or enlarged for only the following uses:

(1)Multiple-unit dwellings;

(2)Restaurants, including those with entertainment;

(3)Office, when located within a structure existing on the date of this subsection, or in a new structure if limited to a structure not in excess of fifty thousand (50,000) gross square feet or sixty (60) feet in height;

(4)Hotel, when located within a structure existing on the date of this subsection;

(5)Institutional, limited to museum, exhibition, and library;

(6)Child day care center;

(7)Retail uses within buildings where such services are not the principal use, and only when located within a structure housing a permitted principal use;

(8)Transportation right-of-way, roadway and trackage, including shelter and comfort stations incident to the use thereof;

(9)Accessory uses that are clearly incidental to permitted principal uses, and only when located within a structure housing a permitted principal use; and

(10)Signs larger than twenty (20) square feet that are visible from the river or from across the river shall be neon and positioned so as to maximize reflection in the river.

(11) Assisted Living (Limited and General);

(12) Senior Housing (Limited and General);

(13) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General);

(14) Personal Care Home (Limited and General); and

(15) Interim Housing, subject to the Administrator Exception procedures in Section 922.08.


(b)Maximum Height

The maximum height of structures hereafter erected or enlarged or used in the SP-4(II) subdistrict shall be as follows:

(1)Existing structures: One hundred ten (110) feet;

(2)New structures: One hundred (100) feet.

909.01.I.3 SP-4 (III), Historic Subdistrict

The SP-4(III) subdistrict is generally bounded by the Monongahela River, Smithfield Street, and West Carson Street.

(a)Use Regulations

Within the SP-4(III) subdistrict, land and structures may be used, and structures may be erected, altered, and enlarged for only the following uses:

(1)Multiple-unit dwellings;

(2)Restaurants, including those with entertainment;


(4)Institutional, limited to museum, exhibition, and library;


(6)Retail sales, including personal service;


(8)Child day care center;

(9)Accessory uses that are clearly incidental to permitted principal uses, and only when located within a structure housing a permitted principal use;

(10)Signs larger than twenty (20) square feet visible from the river or from across the river shall be neon and positioned so as to maximize reflection in the river; and

(11)Gaming enterprise.;

(12) Assisted Living (Limited and General);

(13) Senior Housing (Limited and General);

(14) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General);

(15) Personal Care Home (Limited and General); and

(16) Interim Housing, subject to the Administrator Exception procedures in Section 922.08.

(b)Maximum Height

The maximum height of structures hereafter erected or enlarged or used in the SP-4 (III) subdistrict shall not exceed one hundred twenty-five (125) feet (not to exceed ten (10) stories). Height for Residential and Hotel/Motel uses shall not exceed one hundred seventy-five (175) feet and twenty (20) stories. Additional height for Residential and Hotel/Motel uses may be allowed by the Planning Commission provided that the height of such use or uses shall not exceed two hundred seventy-five (275) feet and twenty-five (25) stories and that the building is oriented perpendicularly to the Monongahela and Ohio Rivers.

909.01.I.4 SP-4(IV), East Station Square Subdistrict

The SP-4(IV) East Station Square subdistrict is generally bounded by Smithfield Street, E. Carson Street, the easterly line of Block and Lot 4-D-45 and the Monongahela River.

(a)Use Regulations

Within the SP-4(IV) subdistrict, land and structures may be used, and structures may be erected, altered, demolished or enlarged for only the following uses:

(1)Multi-unit residential;

(2)Retail Sales and Services (General) or (Limited);

(3)Restaurant (General) or (Limited);

(4)Office (General) or (Limited);

(5)Cultural Service or Library (General) or (Limited);

(6)Hotel/Motel (General) or (Limited);

(7)Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (General) or (Limited);

(8)Parking, including Parking, Commercial (General) and Parking Structure (General);

(9)Grocery Store (General) or (Limited);

(10)Parks and Recreation (Limited); and

(11)Public Assembly (General) or (Limited).;

(12) Assisted Living (Limited and General);

(13) Senior Housing (Limited and General);

(14) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General);

(15) Personal Care Home (Limited and General); and

(16) Interim Housing, subject to the Administrator Exception procedures in Section 922.08


Section 6.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planned Development Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 909, Section 909.01.J, Specially Planned Districts SP-5 South Side Works, as follows:

909.01.J SP-5 South Side Works

909.01.J.1 Development Subdistricts

The following special provisions apply to all of the following development subdistricts, according to the definitions found in Section 909.01.B, and except as noted. The South Side Works SP-5 District is generally bounded by East Carson Street on the south, South Twenty-fifth Street on the west, and the Monongahela River on the north.

(a)Development Subdistrict A


In Subdistrict A, bounded by East Carson Street, South Twenty-fifth Street, the Monongahela River, and the center line of South Twenty-eighth Street projected toward the Monongahela River structures may be erected, altered, demolished or enlarged for only the uses listed in this section.

(i)Single-Unit Attached Residential;

(ii)Multi-Unit Residential;

(iii)Restaurant, including those with entertainment;


(v)Library and Cultural Service uses including museum, gallery and similar exhibition uses;

(vi)Religious Assembly;

(vii)Community Center;


(ix)Recreation and Entertainment uses, involving indoor and outdoor auditoriums, including cinemas, theaters, and the like;

(x)Parking, General and Parking Structure, General;


(xii)Retail Sales and Services, subject to the same requirements for such uses found in Chapter 911, Use Regulations, for the UNC District;

(xiii)Transportation right-of-way, roadway and trackage, including shelter and comfort stations incident to the use thereof;

(xiv)Parks and Open Space and outdoor recreational uses;

(xv)Accessory uses clearly incident to the uses listed in items above; and

(xvi)Signs, as prescribed in Section 919.03.M.5.;

(xvii) Assisted Living (Limited and General);

(xviii) Senior Housing (Limited and General);

(xix) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General);

(xx) Personal Care Home (Limited and General); and

(xxi) Interim Housing, subject to the Administrator Exception procedures in Section 922.08.

(b)Development Subdistrict


In Subdistrict B, bounded by East Carson Street, the center line of South Twenty-eighth Street projected toward the Monongahela River, and the Monongahela River, as identified on the South Side Works Preliminary Land Development Plan approved by the Planning Commission on January 28, 1997, land may be used and structures may be erected, altered, demolished or enlarged for only the uses listed in this section.

(i)Single-unit Attached Residential;

(ii)Multi-Unit Residential;

(iii)Restaurants, including those with entertainment;


(v)Library and Cultural Service uses, including museum, gallery and similar exhibition uses;


(vii)Religious Assembly;

(viii)Community Center;

(ix)Recreation and Entertainment uses involving indoor and outdoor auditoriums, including cinemas, theaters, and the like;

(x)Manufacturing and Assembly and Warehouse (Limited) uses, subject to the same requirements for such uses found in Chapter 911, Use Regulations, for the NDI District;

(xi)Parking, General and Parking Structure, General;


(xiii)Retail Sales and Service uses which are intended to provide personal services to occupants within buildings where such services are not the primary use, and only when located within structure in which the primary use is any of the uses listed above;

(xiv)Transportation right-of-way, roadway and trackage, including shelter and comfort stations incident to the use thereof;

(xv)Park and Open space and outdoor recreational uses;

(xvi)Accessory uses clearly incident to the uses listed in items above; and

(xvii)Signs, as prescribed in Section 919.03.M.5.;

(xviii) Assisted Living (Limited and General);

(xix) Senior Housing (Limited and General);

(xx) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General);

(xxi) Personal Care Home (Limited and General); and

(xxii) Interim Housing, subject to the Administrator Exception procedures in Section 922.08.

(c)Development Subdistrict C


In Subdistrict C, bounded by East Carson Street, the Monongahela River, and the eastern terminus of the SP-5 District, as identified on the South Side Works Preliminary Land Development Plan approved by the Planning Commission on January 28, 1997, land may be used and structures may be erected, altered, demolished or enlarged for only the uses listed in this section.

(i)Single-Unit Attached Residential;

(ii)Multi-Unit Residential;

(iii)Restaurants, including those with entertainment;


(v)Library and Cultural Service uses, including museum, gallery and similar exhibition uses;

(vi)Religious Assembly;

(vii)Community Center;


(ix)Recreation and Entertainment uses involving indoor and outdoor auditoriums, including cinemas, theaters, and the like;

(x)Manufacturing and Assembly and Warehouse (Limited) uses, subject to the same requirements for such uses found in Chapter 911, Use Regulations, for the NDI District;

(xi)Parking, General and Parking Structure, General;


(xiii)Retail Sales and Service uses which are intended to provide personal services to occupants within buildings where such services are not the primary use, and only when located within structure in which the primary use is any of the uses listed above;

(xiv)Transportation right-of-way, roadway and trackage, including shelter and comfort stations incident to the use thereof;

(xv)Parks and Open space and outdoor recreational uses;

(xvi)Accessory uses clearly incident to the uses listed in items above; and

(xvii)Signs, as prescribed in Section 919.03.M.5.;

(xviii) Assisted Living (Limited and General);

(xix) Senior Housing (Limited and General);

(xx) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General);

(xxi) Personal Care Home (Limited and General); and

(xxii) Interim Housing, subject to the Administrator Exception procedures in Section 922.08

Section 7.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planned Development Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 909, Section 909.01.K, Specially Planned Districts SP-6 Pittsburgh Palisades Park, as follows:

909.01.K Reserved.  SP-6 Pittsburgh Palisades Park

909.01.K.1 Development Subdistricts

The following special provisions apply to all of the following development subdistricts, according to the definitions found in Section 909.01.B, and except as noted. The Pittsburgh Palisades Park SP-6 District is generally bound by East Carson Street and railroad tracks on the north, Becks Run Road on the west, Glass Run Road on the east, and Baldwin Borough on the south.

(a)Development Subdistrict A - Race Track

In Subdistrict A - Race Track, as identified on the City of Pittsburgh Zoning Map, land may be used and structures may be erected, altered, demolished or enlarged for only the uses listed in this section.

(1)The following uses shall be permitted by right:

Single-Unit Detached Residential;

Single-Unit Attached Residential;

Two-Unit Residential;

Three-Unit Residential;

Multi-Unit Residential;

Housing for the Elderly (Limited and General);

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General);

Agricultural Use;

Amusement Arcade;

Animal Care (Limited and General);

Art or Music Studio;

Public Assembly (Limited and General);

Bank or Financial Institution (Limited and General);

Bed and Breakfast (Limited and General);

Games of Chance;

Child Care (Limited and General);

Community Center (Limited and General);

Cultural Service (Limited and General);

Educational Classroom Space (Limited and General);

Gaming Enterprise;

Grocery Store (Limited);

Horse Racing Track;

Horse Racing Track means a place of Public Assembly where spectators gather to watch horses race and uses typically found in conjunction with a Horse Racing Track including but not limited to grandstands, wagering facilities, restaurants, concession areas, gift shops, private clubs, paddock and offices. Ancillary uses to a Horse Racing Track shall include but not be limited to offices, veterinary facilities, stables, maintenance buildings, lodging, recreation and dining facilities for employees, educational facilities, storage areas and disposal facilities;

Hotel/Motel (Limited and General);

Laundry Services;

Library (Limited and General);

Medical Office/Clinic (Limited);

Office (Limited);

Parking, Commercial (Limited and Limited);

Parking Structure (Limited and General);

Parks and Recreation (Limited and General);

Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (Limited and General);

Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (Limited and General);

Religious Assembly (Limited and General);

Restaurant, Fast-Food (Limited);

Restaurant (Limited and General);

Retail Sales and Services (Limited);

Safety Service;

School, Elementary or Secondary (Limited and General);

Transit Facility;

Utility (Limited and General);


Racino means a facility offering games of chance operated in conjunction with a licensed Horse Racing Track;

Excavation/Grading/Fill, Major.

(2)The following uses shall be authorized as Special Exceptions in accordance with the procedures of Section 922.07:

(i)Grocery Store (General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

All loading areas shall be separated from parking areas and screened from view from streets and adjoining properties.

Not more than one (1) Grocery Store shall be permitted in Subdistrict A - Race Track.

(ii)Laboratory/Research (Limited and General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

(iii)Manufacturing and Assembly (Limited);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

All operations shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building;

All loading facilities shall be adequately screened from view from all streets and adjacent properties;

The applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed operations do not create nuisances such as visual blight, noise, odors, vibration, dust or debris.

(iv)Office (General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

No building shall be more than two hundred thousand (200,000) square feet.

(v)Retail Sales and Services (General).

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

In the event that a racetrack is located in Subdistrict A - Race Track, this use shall not be permitted.

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

Loading areas shall be separate from parking lots.

In the event that no racetrack is located in SubdistrictA - Race Track, no more than three (3) Retail Sales And Services (General) uses in excess of thirty-five thousand (35,000) square feet but less than one hundred twenty-five thousand (125,000) square feet shall be permitted in Subdistrict A - Race Track;

(b)Development Subdistrict B - Town Center

In Subdistrict B - Town Center, as identified on the City of Pittsburgh Zoning Map, land may be used and structures may be erected, altered, demolished or enlarged for only the uses listed in this section.

(1)The following uses shall be permitted by right:

Single-Unit Detached Residential;

Single-Unit Attached Residential;

Two-Unit Residential;

Three-Unit residential;

Multi-Unit Residential;

Housing for the Elderly (Limited and General);

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General);

Art or Music Studio;

Bank or Financial Institution (Limited and General);

Bed and Breakfast (Limited and General);

Child Care (Limited and General);

Community Center (Limited and General);

Cultural Service (Limited and General);

Excavation/Grading/Fill, Major;

Grocery Store (Limited);

Library (Limited and General);

Medical Office/Clinic (Limited);

Office (Limited);

Parking, Commercial (Limited);

Parks and Recreation (Limited and General);

Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (Limited and General);

Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (Limited and General);

Religious Assembly (Limited and General);

Restaurant (Limited);

Retail Sales and Services (Limited);

Safety Service;

School, Elementary or Secondary (Limited and General);

Transit Facility;

Utility (Limited and General);

(2)The following uses shall be authorized as Special Exceptions in accordance with the procedures of Section 922.07:

(i)Public Assembly (Limited);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

Not more than two (2) Public Assembly Facilities shall be permitted within SP-6, Pittsburgh Palisades Park.

(ii)Grocery Store (General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

All loading areas shall be separated from parking areas and screened from view from streets and adjoining properties.

Not more than one (1) Grocery Store shall be permitted in Subdistrict B - Town Center.

(iii)Hotel/Motel (Limited and General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

There shall be no more than two hundred (200) rooms in the Hotel/Motel;

There shall be no more than one (1) Hotel/Motel in Subdistrict B - Town Center.

(iv)Laboratory/Research Services (Limited and General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

(A)A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

(v)Manufacturing and Assembly (Limited);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

All operations shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building;

All loading facilities shall be adequately screened from view from all streets and adjacent properties;

The applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed operations do not create nuisances such as noise, odors, vibration, dust or debris.

(vi)Medical Office/Clinic (General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

No building shall be more than two hundred thousand (200,000) square feet.

(vii)Office (General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

No building shall be more than two hundred thousand (200,000) square feet.

(viii)Parking, Commercial (General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;

Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and other curb cuts.

(ix)Parking Structure (Limited and General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;

Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and other curb cuts.

(x)Restaurant, Fast-Food (Limited);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

Sufficient trash receptacles shall be provided within and outside of the primary structures to accommodate waste from the facility.

The entrances, parking, and circulation patterns of the facility shall be located and designed so as to minimize the disruption of pedestrian patterns in the district.

(xi)Restaurant (General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study.

Parking facilities and access shall be designed and located to clearly meet the demand of the facility in a way which does not interfere with parking spaces required for surrounding residential uses.

(xii)Retail Sales and Services (General);

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The traffic study shall be consistent with the PLDP Traffic Study and shall demonstrate that the traffic associated with such use can reasonably be accommodated on the site and by the ingress and egress to the site proposed in the PLDP Traffic Study;

Loading areas shall be separate form parking lots;

No more than three (3) Retail Sales and Services (General) uses in excess of thirty-five thousand (35,000) square feet building footprint but less than seventy-five thousand (75,000) square feet building footprint shall be permitted in Subdistrict B - Town Center and no more than one (1) Retail Sales and Services (General) use in excess of seventy-five thousand (75,000) but less than one hundred twenty-five thousand (125,000) square feet shall be permitted in Subdistrict B - Town Center and no Retail Sales and Services (General) in excess of one hundred twenty-five thousand (125,000) square feet shall be permitted.

(xiii)Service Station.

This use is authorized subject to the following standards:

Gasoline pumps shall be setback at least twenty (20) feet from any right-of-way. All stands, racks and other features shall be setback at least thirty-five (35) feet from any right-of-way;

Curb cuts shall be located at least sixty (60) feet form the tangent points of the curb radius at any street intersection;

Service stations may have a sign on each pump identifying the pumps in addition to business signs;

A maximum of two (2) curb cuts shall be provided, and shall be a minimum of sixty (60) feet apart;

Not more than one (1) Service Station shall be permitted in Subdistrict B - Town Center.

(c)Development Subdistrict C - Residential

In Subdistrict C - Residential, as identified on the City of Pittsburgh Zoning Map, land may be used and structures may be erected, altered, demolished or enlarged for only the uses listed in this section.

(1)The following uses shall be permitted by right:

Single-Unit Detached Residential;

Single-Unit Attached Residential;

Two-Unit Residential;

Three-Unit Residential;

Multi-Unit Residential;

Housing for the Elderly (Limited and General);

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General);

Bed and Breakfast (Limited and General);

Child Care (Limited);

Community Center (Limited and General);

Grocery Store (Limited);

Excavation/Grading/Fill, Major;

Library (Limited and General);

Parks and Recreation (Limited);

Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (Limited and General);

Religious Assembly (Limited and General);

Restaurant (Limited);

Retail Sales and Services, Residential Convenience;

Safety Service;

School, Elementary or Secondary (Limited and General);

Utility (Limited).

909.01.K.2 Regulations Applicable to the SP-6 District


(1)For the uses listed in Section 909.01.K.1(a), the height of structures hereafter erected or enlarged shall not exceed the following:

(i)All primary structures: three (3) stories and sixty (60) feet.

(ii)Two (2) structures up to fourteen (14) stories and one hundred sixty (160) feet.

(2)For the uses listed in Sections 909.01.K.1(b), the height of structures hereafter erected or enlarged shall not exceed the following:

(i)All primary structures: six (6) stories and ninety (90) feet.

(ii)Four (4) structures up to twelve (12) stories and one hundred thirty (130) feet.

(3)For the uses listed in Sections 909.01.K.1(c), the height of structures hereafter erected or enlarged shall not exceed the following:

(i)All primary structures: five (5) stories and sixty (60) feet.

(ii)One (1) structure up to fifteen (15) stories and one hundred sixty (160) feet.


Maximum Floor Area Ratio for Development Subdistrict (A) - Race Track, but not including parking structures: 2.5:1.

Maximum Floor Area Ratio for Development Subdistrict (B) - Town Center, but not including parking structures: 3:1.

Maximum Floor Area Ratio for Development Subdistrict (C) - Residential, but not including parking structures: 2:1.

Urban Open Space. Not less than ten (10) percent of the entire SP-6 District shall be provided and maintained as Urban Open Space, which space shall include recreational athletic fields and a perimeter trail system. In the event that a race track is located anywhere in the SP-6/Palisades Park district, not less than twenty (20) percent of the entire SP-6 district shall be provided and maintained as Urban Open Space.

Section 8.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planned Development Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 909, Section 909.01.M, Specially Planned Districts SP-7 Oakland Planned Unit Development, as follows:

909.01.M.4 Uses

In the SP-7 district, permitted uses shall be those listed in this section that are in accordance with an approved unit development plan and recorded improvement subdivision site plan. The uses listed in this section may be contained in a single structure, separate structures or combined in multi-use structures subject to approval by the Planning Commission.

(a)Dwellings, including single-unit (attached and detached); two-unit, three-unit and multi-unit structures.

(b)The activities and structures listed in this subsection shall be permitted in locations approved by the Planning Commission and compatibly incorporated in the unified design of the residential planned unit development. In approving these uses, the Planning Commission may impose limits on size, location within the planned unit development or other aspects of their design and development that are necessary to ensure their harmonious relation to the planned unit development and to adjacent areas.

(1)Religious Assembly;

(2)Community Center;

(3)Child Care


(5)Transit Facility

(6)Parks and Recreation

(7)School, Elementary or Secondary

(8)Uses permitted By-Right, Administrator Exceptions and Special Exceptions in the SP-7 district as set forth in Chapter 911, provided such uses comprise a minor part of the development and are designed to serve primarily residents of the planned unit development and of adjacent areas which are within convenient walking distance of the planned unit development. The decision maker shall be the Planning Commission. The express conditions of § 911.04.A for specific uses shall apply.

(9)Accessory uses and structures.

(10)Uses allowed in the SP-7 district shall be those approved by the Planning Commission in accordance with an approved unit development plan and recorded improvement subdivision site plan. The Planning Commission shall have authority to approve any use that is allowed in the UNC district, subject to the same conditions and limitations as apply to those uses when located in the UNC district. The uses allowed in the SP-7 district may be contained in a single structure, separate structures or combined in multi-use structures subject to approval by the Planning Commission.

909.01.M.5 Intensity

(a)Residential Development

The maximum intensity of residential land development in an SP-7 district shall not exceed six (6).

(b)Nonresidential Development

Nonresidential development shall comply with the following standards:

(1)The floor area ratio shall not exceed the larger of 0.75 or the area of ground level retail commercial as set forth in § 909.01.M.3(c)(7).

(2)When nonresidential uses are contained in separate buildings, the coverage of land by buildings and parking for nonresidential uses shall not exceed twenty (20) percent.

(3)Except for non-residential use within a residential structure, twenty (20) percent of the land area developed with nonresidential uses shall be improved as urban open space.

909.01.M.6 Off-Street Parking and Loading

Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 914.

909.01.M.7 Open Space and Recreation

The following open space and recreation ratios shall apply with SP-7s:

(a)Total Open Space

The total open space required shall be calculated by multiplying the actual lot land area by the applicable total open space percentage of .15.

(b)Useable Open Space

The amount of useable open space required shall be calculated by multiplying the actual lot land area by the applicable total Useable Open Space percentage of .07.(c) Recreation Space

The amount of recreation space required shall be calculated by multiplying the actual lot land area by the applicable Recreation Space percentage of .04

909.01.M.8 Use Exceptions

The following uses are permitted in residential planned unit development districts subsequent to recording of the improvement subdivision site plan and may be authorized without amendment thereto.

(a)Conditional Uses which are permitted after a public hearing and recommendations by the Planning Commissions and after approval by City Council in conformity with the provisions of Section 922.06, which are incorporated in the approved unit development plan and recorded improvement subdivision site plan:

(1)Housing for the Elderly, provided the conditions listed in Sec. 911.04.A.35 are met.

(2)Community Home, provided the conditions listed in Sec. 911.04.A.84 are met.

The Conditional Use shall be allowed only if the proposed use and structures do not result in or create:

(i)An intensity of development which exceeds that allowed in the particular SP-7 District;

(ii)A reduction in the required area of any category of open space;

(iii)A deficit in the number of required parking or loading spaces; or

(iv)Any negative impacts affecting the planned unit development adjacent to it.

(31)Bed and Breakfast, General provided the conditions listed in Section 911.04.A.7, 8 and 9 are met.

(42)Communication Tower, Class C provided the conditions listed in Section 911.04.A.13 are met.

(b)Uses which are permitted only as Special Exceptions by the Board in conformity with the standards contained in Section 922.07:

(1)Assisted Living provided the conditions listed in Section 911.04.A.66 are met.

(2)Bed and Breakfast Limited provided the conditions listed in Section 911.04.A.7, 8, and 9 are met.

(3)Community Home provided the conditions listed in Section 911.04.A.84 are met.

(c)Uses which are authorized by the Administrator in conformity with the provisions of Section 922.08:

(1)Home Office (See Section 912.05)

(2)Lodgers, not exceeding two (2), in addition to one (1) family, in each dwelling unit as an accessory use.

(3)Temporary structure incidental to the development of land or to the erection of a real estate office for such development.

Section 9.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planned Development Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 909, Section 909.01.O, Specially Planned Districts SP-8, Riverfront Landing, as follows:

909.01.O SP-8, Riverfront Landing

909.01.O.1 Applicable Standards SP-8

The approval of an improvement subdivision site plan and the enactment of an SP-8 Zoning District for the Riverfront Landing Planned Development District as an amendment to the Code shall require compliance with all regulations of this Section.

This Section establishes standards governing land use, development intensity, building height, setbacks, build-to lines, building orientation, urban open space, parking, signs and other basic criteria that shall apply within the Riverfront Landing Planned Development District.

The approved Preliminary Land Development Plan for the Riverfront Landing Planned Development District illustrates the roadway layout, open space location and demonstrates how the foregoing use and development standards may be applied throughout the District.

909.01.O.2 Boundaries

The Riverfront Landing Planned Development District is bounded:

On the west, by the eastern edge of the structure of the Veterans Bridge,

On the east, by the centerline of Twenty-first Street,

On the south, by the centerline of Smallman Street, and

On the north, by the southern harbor line of the Allegheny River.

909.01.O.3 Development Zones

The Riverfront Landing Planned Development District shall be divided into six (6) "Zones" referred to as "Zone A" through "Zone F", inclusive.

909.01.O.4 Uses

(a) Permitted Primary Uses. Uses in the Riverfront Landing Planned Development District shall be, (i) the same as; (ii) subject to the same use review and approval processes as; and (iii) subject to the same conditions applicable to those set forth for the GT, Golden Triangle District, as the use regulations for the GT, Golden Triangle District are amended from time to time. The following uses, which are permitted either by right or as Administrator's Exceptions in the GT, Golden Triangle District and the SP-8, Riverfront Landing Planned Development District, are clarified as follows:

Public Assembly, Limited and Public Assembly, General shall specifically include conference centers; and

Manufacturing/Assembly, Limited shall specifically include bakeries, breweries and distilleries; and

Restaurant with Liquor, Limited and Restaurant with Liquor, General shall specifically include restaurants with accessory baking, brewing or distilling facilities.

In addition to the foregoing, the following Uses shall also be permitted in the Riverfront Landing Planned Development District:

Additional uses permitted by right:

Residential, Single Family Attached

Amusement Arcade

Retail Sales and Service, Residential Convenience

Nursery, Retail Limited

Nursery, Retail General

(b)The following additional uses are permitted subject to review by the Zoning Administrator pursuant to Section 922.08:

Residential, Housing for the Elderly, General (subject to the Use Standards for all Districts set forth in paragraph 911.04.A.35)

Warehouse, Limited (subject to the Use Standards set forth in Section 911.04.A.78 for properties located in the UI District and the requirements of Section 922.04.E.1 of the Code).

Warehouse, General, subject to the Use Standards set forth in Section 911.04.A.78 for properties in the UI zoning district. In addition to the foregoing, warehouse buildings shall be designed so that the width or length of any uninterrupted elevation facade is not greater than 1½ times the height of the building. The use of fenestration patterns and traditional design elements is encouraged to provide relief to buildings over 40'-0" in length or width. Expanses of "unbroken walls" over 40'-0" shall be prohibited. Examples of such design elements are facade offsets, covered porticoes, recessed or projected entries, and other appropriate architectural features and details. Varied rooflines are recommended for both new construction and rehabilitation which includes roof alterations to add visual interest and to break up the mass of the building.

(c)Mixed Use. Individual buildings that house two or more allowed uses are encouraged in the Riverfront Landing Planned Development District.

(d)Accessory Uses. Accessory Uses and Structures as set forth in Chapter 912 and in Section 914.02.C shall be permitted subject to the setback, entry and screening requirements set forth in the section.


Section 10.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planned Development Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 909, Section 909.01.P, SP-9 Specially Planned Districts Bakery Square, as follows:

909.01.P SP-9 Bakery Square

909.01.P.1 Development Subdistricts

The following special provisions apply to all of the following development subdistricts, according to the definitions found in Sec. 909.01.B, and except as noted. The Bakery Square SP-9 District consists of the former Reizenstein School site, the Bakery Square site and the parcel located to the northeast of the Bakery Square site and generally bounded by Dahlem Place and the Martin Luther King, Jr. East Busway.

(a)Development Subdistrict A


In Subdistrict A, identified as all property located north of Penn Avenue and that portion of the property located south of Penn Avenue that is bounded on the north by Penn Avenue for a distance of 700 feet from the intersection of East Liberty Boulevard to the intersection of Putnam Street, then by Putnam Street on the east, then by a line running parallel to Penn Avenue a distance of 170 feet from Penn Avenue and then by a line running parallel to the westerly property line a distance of 170 feet from the westerly property line projected toward Penn Avenue, land may be used and structures may be erected, altered, demolished or enlarged for only the uses listed in this section.


(ii)Medical Office/Clinic

(iii)Multi-Unit Residential

(iv)Public Assembly

(v)Conference Center

(vi)Bank or Financial Institution

(vii)Child Care

(viii)College or University Campus

(ix)Community Center

(x)Cultural Service (Limited)

(xi)Educational Classroom Space


(xiii)Research and Development Services for development and service uses, including but not limited to advanced methodologies and processes in biotechnology, modern biological technology, computer hardware and software, artificial intelligence and accessory and support facilities related to these uses but not including medical and animal testing


(xv)Manufacturing and Assembly, with the following standards:

a.The design of these items results from the research and development activities of the institutions, organizations and companies located on the site

b.The assembly and manufacturing uses are such that no explosive materials or processes are involved; and

c.The uses produce no smoke, odor, vibration, noise, heat, dust, glaring light or other hazard or noxious or objectionable attribute from outside any building.

(xvi)Commercial Parking

(xvii)Parking Structure

(xviii)Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor


(xx)Retail Sales and Services

(xxi)Elementary or Secondary School

(xxii)Transit Facility

(xxiii)Utility (Limited)

(xxiv)Vocational School

(xxv)Access rights-of-way, roadway, and trackage, including shelter and comfort stations incident to the use thereof

(xxvi)Park and Open Space and outdoor recreational uses

(xxvii) Senior Housing (Limited and General)

(xxviii) Personal Care Home (Limited and General)

(xxix) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General)

(xxx) Assisted Living (Limited and General)

(xxxi) Interim Housing, subject to the Administrator Exception procedures in Section 922.08.

(xxvii xxxii)Accessory Uses and Accessory Structures pursuant to Chapter 912

(2)Site Development Standards

(i)Maximum Height

The height of all structures hereafter erected or enlarged shall not exceed six (6) stories or eighty-five (85) feet

(ii)Floor Area Ratio

The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 4:1 for each zoning lot.

(iii)Urban Open Space

At least ten (10) percent of the land within Subdistrict A shall be improved as Urban Open Space.

(iv)Build-To Line

The build-to line along the southerly portion of Penn Avenue is 15 feet.

(v)Traffic and Parking Demand Analysis

Traffic and Parking Demand Analysis shall be required in a format specified by the Zoning Administrator for all development in Subdistrict A. The Zoning Administrator shall review the submitted analysis, including all sources of data, to establish appropriate traffic and parking mitigation measures. The costs for constructing and implementing all required mitigation measures shall be the responsibility of the Applicant.


There shall be no above-ground parking structure along the Penn Avenue frontage and there shall be no surface parking or above-ground parking structure on that portion of Subdistrict A located to the south of Penn Avenue.


All signs shall comply with the requirements applicable to signage in the LNC, UNC, CP and AP Districts as set forth Section 919.03.M.5. Furthermore, all signage should be directed toward Penn Avenue and away from the adjacent residential districts.

(b)Development Subdistrict B


In Subdistrict B, bounded by the southerly boundary of Subdistrict A on the north, then by Putnam Street on the east, then by the southerly property line and then by the westerly property line, land may be used and structures may be erected, altered, demolished or enlarged for only the uses listed in this section.

(i)Single -Unit Detached Residential

(ii)Single-Unit Attached Residential

(iii)Two-Unit Residential

(iv)Three-Unit Residential

(v)Multi-Unit Residential

(vi)Home Occupation

(vii)Library and Cultural Services, including museum, gallery and similar exhibition uses

(viii)Religious Assembly

(ix)Community Center



(xii)Access rights-of-way, roadway, and trackage, including shelter and comfort stations incident to the use thereof

(xiii)Park and Open Space and outdoor recreational uses

 (xiv) Personal Care Home (Limited)

(xv) Senior Housing (Limited)

(xvi) Assisted Living (Limited)

(xvii) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited)

(xviii) Accessory Uses and Accessory Structures


Section 11.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planned Development Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 909, Section 909.01.Q, Specially Planned Districts SP-10, Hazelwood Green, as follows:

909.01.Q.6  Definitions

Assisted Living Class C. Assisted Living facility means a facility for the accommodation of convalescents or chronically ill persons, in which such nursing care and medical services are prescribed or are performed under the general direction of persons licensed to provide such care or services in accordance with Commonwealth laws. Class C mean a facility with eighteen (18) or more patient beds.

Basic Industry (Limited) means an establishment engaged in the basic processing and manufacturing of materials or products predominantly from extracted or raw materials where such products are produced and manufactured in connection with another permitted use in the SP-10.

Build to Zone means the area between: (a) the Street or Fixed Shared Way and the Development Lot Line, and (b) six (6) feet measured perpendicular from the Street or Fixed Shared Way to the Development Lot Line.

College or University Campus for purposes of the SP-10 means a college, community college or other post-secondary educational complex not in an EMI District, which shall include one (1) or more of the following uses: teaching and research facilities; educational classroom space; public assembly; child care facilities; student center; food service facilities; library; administrative offices; and indoor recreation facilities. In no event shall outdoor recreation facilities be considered a College or University Campus use.

Community Center (Limited) for purposes of the SP-10 means a Community Center which primarily serves the community in which it exists and with a gross floor rear of less than five thousand (5,000) square feet.

Community Center (General) for purposes of the SP-10 means a Community Center with a gross floor area of five thousand (5,000) square feet or more.

Developable Acre shall mean the total square footage of a Development Lot exclusive of all Streets, Shared Ways, and streets that have not yet been dedicated to the City.

Development Lot for the purpose of the SP-10 means all or a portion of an HG Block that is proposed for development as part of a FLDP approval application.

Development Lot Line shall mean any boundary line of a Development Lot.

Façade(s) shall mean any exterior elevation of a structure or building as viewed from a single vantage point and determined by the Zoning Administrator.

Farmer's Market means an area designated for the sale of foods and agricultural products directly to consumers from farmers and/or the producers of such foods or products.

Film Production means the filming or videotape on location in a natural setting or within a studio or building for the purpose of producing a feature-length movie, made-for-television movie, television series, documentary, commercial advertisement, industrial film, or commercial still photograph. This term shall not include the filming of current news events.

FLDP shall mean a Final Land Development Plan submitted under Section 922.11.C of the Code.

Ground Floor Height shall mean the height measured from the exterior average grade along the building frontage to the bottom of the second floor.

Integral Parking means "tuck-under" parking achieved through its incorporation into architectural elements of a building such as a garage or overhead covered areas, but excluding carports.

Neighborhood Hospital means a facility that: (1) occupies not more than forty thousand (40,000) square feet; and (2) offers no more than fifteen (15) emergency room bays and no more than fifteen (15) inpatient beds for medical related use twenty-four (24) hours per day by individuals requiring diagnosis, treatment, or care for illness, injury, deformity, infirmity, abnormality or disease; and/or (3) regularly makes available clinical laboratory services, diagnostic radiological services, treatment facilities for medical treatment, and/or other services associated with hospitals licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

Laboratory/Research Services, Outdoor shall mean an establishment engaged in conducting basic applied, industrial or scientific research, other than medical testing, where such services are not contained in an enclosed building or structure, including production of prototype products when limited to the minimum scale necessary for full investigation of the merits of a product, but excluding production of products used primarily or customarily for sale or for us in non-prototype production or operations.

Parks and Recreation (Limited) shall mean a Parks and Recreation use that does not have spectator seating, concession, lighted playing courts or fields.

Parks and Recreation (General) means a Parks and Recreation use with spectator seating, concession, lighted playing courts or fields.

PLDP shall mean the Hazelwood Green Preliminary Land Development Plan Special Planned District 10 (SP-10) dated _______.

Podium Parking is parking that is accessory to another use and located within the building containing that use.

Protected Bicycle Parking shall have the meaning set forth in Section 914.05.A.3.

Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (Limited) for purposes of the SP-10 means an Indoor Recreation and Entertainment use that has a gross floor area of less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet.

Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (General) for purposes of the SP-10 means an Indoor Recreation and Entertainment use that has a gross floor area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or more.

Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor means an establishment offering recreation, entertainment or games of skill to the general public for a fee or charge wherein any portion of the activity takes place in the open. Typical uses include archery range, golf driving ranges and miniature golf course and other types of recreation and entertainment not otherwise defined.

Religious Assembly (Limited) for purposes of the SP-10 means a Religious Assembly use that has a gross floor area of less than five thousand (5,000) square feet.

Religious Assembly (General) for purposes of the SP-10 means a Religious Assembly use that has a gross floor area of five thousand (5,000) square feet or more.

Residential: Low means any residential use that has between twenty-five (25) dwelling units per Developable Acre and thirty-eight (38) dwelling units per Developable Acre.

Residential: Medium means any residential use that has between thirty-nine (39) dwelling units per Developable Acre and sixty-two (62) dwelling units per Developable Acre.

Residential: High means any residential use that has sixty-three (63) or more dwelling units per Developable Acre.

Restaurant (Limited) for purposes of the SP-10 means a Restaurant with a gross floor area of less than twenty-four hundred (2,400) square feet.

Shared Parking means parking that is made available to multiple users and/or to the general public in addition to serving a specific use.

Shared Way means an alley or street that is not dedicated to and accepted by the City of Pittsburgh as a public street or way, but is a public easement which is accessible to the public and which provides access to a building or lot.

Shared Way, Fixed means a Shared Way as designated in the PLDP that is not subject to removal or changed location.

Spa means an establishment devoted to health, fitness, beauty, and relaxation, provided that any massage services are administered by a massage therapist licensed by the Pennsylvania Board of Massage Therapy.

SP 10 Parking Threshold means two thousand (2,000) vehicular parking spaces located in Temporary Surface Lots throughout the SP-10 District.

Stepback Line shall mean the required distance from the Development Lot Line pursuant to Section VII.D.iii(b).

Temporary Interim Use means any use that: (1) is identified in Table 2 of the SP-10 Appendix; and (2) by its nature does not involve a structure or building capable of compliance with the design requirements of the SP-10 Zoning Ordinance and/or the PLDP.

Temporary Surface Lots means any Development Lot used for parking motor vehicles for a specified period of time stated in a certificate of occupancy.

Unprotected Bicycle Parking shall have the meaning set forth in Section 914.05.A.4 of the Code.

Vocational School (Limited) for purposes of the SP-10 means a Vocational School for fewer than one hundred (100) students.

Vocational School (General) for purposes of the SP-10 means a Vocational School for one hundred (100) students or more.

Warehouse (Limited, General) means an establishment that is engaged in the storage of materials, equipment or products that will be distributed to wholesalers or retailers.

Water Dependent Facility or Use means a facility or use that by its nature is required to be on or adjacent to a river, without such adjacency the use could not exist.

Water Enhanced Facility or Use means a recreation, entertainment or restaurant facilities or similar uses that achieve greater value or beauty as a result of a location on or near a river.








Agriculture (Limited) With Beekeeping


Light Industrial & Production

As a primary use, only permitted on HG Blocks 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.

Agriculture (Limited)


Light Industrial & Production

As a primary use, only permitted on HG Blocks 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.

Animal Care (Limited)




Animal Care (General)




Art or Music Studio.




Public Assembly (Limited)




Public Assembly (General)




Bank or Financial Institution (Limited)




Bank or Financial Institution (General)




Bed and Breakfast (Limited)




Bed and Breakfast (General)




Child Care (Limited)




Child Care (General)




Club (Limited)




Club (General)




College or University Campus (See Section VIII)




Community Center (Limited) (See Section VIII)




Community Center (General)




Construction Contractor (Limited)


Light Industrial & Production

As a primary use, only permitted on HG Blocks 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.

Construction Contractor (General)


Light Industrial & Production

As a primary use, only permitted on HG Blocks 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.

Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility



All HG Blocks except not permitted on HG Blocks 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 68.

Cultural Service (Limited)




Cultural Service (General)




Educational Classroom Space (Limited)




Educational Classroom Space (General)




Grocery Store (Limited)




Grocery Store (General)




Hotel/Motel (Limited)




Hotel/Motel (General)




Laboratory/Research Services (Limited)


Research & Development


Laboratory/Research Services (General)


Research & Development


Laundry Services




Library (Limited)




Library (General)




Manufacturing and Assembly (Limited)


Light Industrial & Production

As a primary use, only permitted on HG Blocks 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.

Manufacturing and Assembly (General)


Light Industrial & Production

As a primary use, only permitted on HG Blocks 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.

Medical Marijuana Dispensary



All HG Blocks except not permitted on HG Blocks 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 68.

Medical Office/Clinic (Limited)




Medical Office/Clinic (General)




Office (Limited)




Office (General)




Parking Structure (Limited)


Parking & Transit

Permitted on all HG Blocks except 1, 6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 41, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 65, 66 and 67.

Parking Structure (General)


Parking & Transit

Permitted on all HG Blocks except 1, 6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 41, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 65, 66 and 67.

Parks and Recreation (Limited) (See Section VIII)




Parks and Recreation (General) (See Section VIII)




Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (Limited) (See Section VIII)




Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (General) (See Section VIII)




Recycling Collection Station


Light Industrial & Production

As a primary use, only permitted on HG Blocks 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.

Recycling Processing Center


Light Industrial & Production

As a primary use, only permitted on HG Blocks 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.

Religious Assembly (Limited)




Religious Assembly (General)




Restaurant, Fast-Food (Limited)




Restaurant (Limited) (See Section VIII)




Restaurant (General)




Retail Sales and Services (Limited)




Retail Sales and Services (General)




Safety Service




School, Elementary or Secondary (Limited)




School, Elementary or Secondary (General)




Transit Facility


Parking & Transit


Utility (Limited)


Light Industrial & Production


Utility (General)


Light Industrial & Production

As a primary use, only permitted on HG Blocks 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.

Vehicle/Equipment Repair (Limited)




Vocational School (Limited) (See Section VIII)




Vocational School (General) (See Section VIII)




Welding or Machine Shop


Light Industrial & Production

As a primary use, only permitted on HG Blocks 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.

Farmer's Market (See Section VIII)




Neighborhood Hospital (See Section VIII)




Small-scale Basic Industry (See Section VIII)


Light Industrial & Production

Permitted on HG Blocks 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.

Spa (See Section VIII)




Temporary Interim Use (See Section VIII)



Permitted by Special Exception in accordance with Section V.B.

Water-Dependent Facility or Use (See Section VIII)




Water Enhanced Facility or Use (See Section VIII)




Residential: Low (See Section VIII)



As a primary use, only permitted on HG Blocks 62 and 63.

Residential: Medium (Section VIII)




Residential: High (See Section VIII)




Assisted Living (Limited and General)




Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General)




Personal Care Home (Limited and General)




Interim Housing



Permitted by Administrator Exception


Section 12.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planned Development Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 909, Section 909.01.R, SP-11, Lower Hill Planned Development District, as follows:

909.01.R.3  Use

(a)Permitted Primary Uses Subdistrict 1.

(i)Uses in the Lower Hill Planned Development District Subdistrict 1 shall be as follows:

Single-Unit Attached Residential;

Two-Unit Residential;

Three-Unit Residential;

Multi-unit Residential;

Child Care (Limited);

Community Center (Limited);

Housing for Elderly Senior Housing (Limited);

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited);

Personal Care Home (Limited);

Assisted Living (Limited);

Parks and Recreation (Limited);

Parks and Recreation (General).

(ii)The following primary uses shall be permitted on the ground floor in Subdistrict 1, provided (a) any such use faces Urban Open Space as designated in any Final Land Development Plan and (b) any such use does not have frontage along Crawford Street:

Bank or Financial Institution (Limited);

Bank or Financial Institution (General);

Grocery Store (Limited);

Laundry Services;

Medical Office/Clinic (Limited);

Office (Limited);

Restaurant (Limited);

Restaurant (General);

Retail Sales and Service (Limited);

For purposes of this Section, Restaurant (Limited) and Restaurant (General) in Subdistrict 1 shall not include restaurants with accessory brewing or distilling facilities.

(iii)Additionally, the following primary uses shall be permitted in Subdistrict 1, provided: (a) any such use does not have frontage along Crawford Street; (b) any such use that has frontage along Wylie Avenue is lined with an active use on the ground level; and (c) any such use is screened or articulated in conformance with the standards of the Lower Hill Redevelopment Preliminary Land Development Plan. Nothing in this Section shall be constructed to prohibit an entrance to a parking structure on Crawford Street.

Parking Structure (Limited);

Parking Structure (General).

(iv)The following uses are permitted by special exception in the SP-11, Subdistrict 1 in accordance with Section 922.07:

Child Care (General), subject to the use standards set forth in 911.04.A.12(a);

Community Center (General), subject to the use standards set forth in 911.04.A.14(b)(1);

Housing for Elderly Senior Housing (General), subject to the use standards set forth in 911.04.A.35(a) and (b);

Retail Sales and Service (General), provided that Retail Sales and Service (General) use shall be permitted only if such use: (a) is located only on the Ground Level; (b) faces Urban Open Space as designated in any Final Land Development Plan; and (c) and does not have frontage along Crawford Street.

(b)Permitted Primary Uses Subdistricts 2 and 3.

(i)Unless otherwise modified by this Section 909.01.R.3, uses permitted in the Lower Hill Planned Development District Subdistrict 2 and Subdistrict 3 shall be the same as, subject to the same use review and approval processes as, and subject to the same conditions applicable to those uses permitted in the GT, Golden Triangle District, as the use regulations for the GT, Golden Triangle District are amended from time to time. The following uses, which are permitted either by right or as Administrator Exceptions in the GT, Golden Triangle District and the SP-11, Lower Hill Planned Development District, are modified as follows:

Public Assembly (Limited) and Public Assembly (General) shall specifically include conference rooms; and

Manufacturing/Assembly (Limited) shall specifically include bakeries, breweries and distilleries. Breweries and distilleries must be an accessory use as part of a restaurant or public entertainment venue; and

For purposes of this Section, Restaurant (Limited) and Restaurant (General) in Subdistrict 2 or 3 may include restaurants with accessory baking, brewing or distilling facilities provided such accessory use is approved by Administrator Exception.

(ii)In addition to the foregoing, the following uses shall also be permitted in the SP-11 Lower Hill Planned Development District Subdistricts 2 and 3 by right, subject to any additional regulations set forth below:

Animal Care (Limited);

College or University Campus;

Housing for the Elderly Senior Housing (Limited);

Housing for the Elderly Senior Housing (General);

Laundry Services;

Parking Structure (Limited) provided any such use that has frontage along Center Avenue or Wylie Avenue is lined with an active use on the Ground Level;

Parking Structure (General) provided any such use that has frontage along Center Avenue or Wylie Avenue is lined with an active use on the Ground Level;

Residential, Single-Family Attached;

Retail Sales and Service, Residential Convenience;


Gallery display or museum use;

Police substation less than two thousand (2,000) square feet;

"Spa" shall mean an establishment devoted to health, fitness, beauty and relaxation, provided that any massage services are administered by a massage therapist licensed by the Pennsylvania Board of Massage Therapy.

(iii)In addition to those uses permitted by Special Exception in the GT, Golden Triangle District, the following additional uses are permitted by Special Exception in the SP-11, Subdistricts 2 and 3 in accordance with Section 922.07:

Energy Generation (Limited), subject to the use standards set forth in Section 909.01.R.3(e);

Laboratory/Research Services (Limited). Cannot house animals larger than five (5) lbs.;

Laboratory Research Services (General). Cannot house animals larger than five (5) lbs.;

Outdoor Retail Sales and Service (Non-Accessory Use), subject to the use standards set forth in Section 911.04.A.91, except that the provisions of 911.04.A.91(a) shall not apply;

Personal Care Residence (Small), subject to the use standards set forth in Section 911.04.A.95.B., except that the parking requirements of Section 911.04.A.95.B(a)(vi) shall not apply;

Recycling Collection Station, provided the approving body determines that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration generation of noise, emission of odors, and hours of operation. In addition, such use shall be subject to the use standards set forth in Section 911.04.A.51.

(iv)In addition to those uses permitted by Conditional Use in the Golden Triangle District, the following additional uses are permitted by Conditional Use in the SP-11, Subdistricts 2 and 3 in accordance with Section 922.06:

Dormitory, subject to the use standards set forth in Section 911.04.A.23(b);

Energy Generation (General), subject to the use standards set forth in Section 909.01.R.3(e);

Manufacturing and Assembly (Limited), subject to the use standards set forth in Section 911.04.A.40;

Manufacturing and Assembly (General), subject to the use standards set forth in Section 911.04.A.40;

Service Station, provided: (a) gasoline pumps shall not be located in any front or side yard and are not visible from any primary street; (b) such use is integrated into a mixed use structure or attached to another structure; (c) such use otherwise complies with all development standards of the Preliminary Land Development Plan; and (d) such use is subject to the use standards of Section 911.04.A.65.

(v)In addition to those uses not expressly permitted in the GT Golden Triangle District and not otherwise permitted above, the following uses shall not be permitted in the SP-11 Lower Hill Planned Development District even if any such use later becomes a permitted use in the GT Golden Triangle District by right, administrator exception, special exception, conditional use approval or by any other means whatsoever:

Adult Entertainment;

Communication Tower Class A;

Communication Tower Class B;

Communication Tower Class C;

Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility;

Correctional Facility (Limited);

Correctional Facility (General);

Custodial Care Facility;

Excavation/Grading/Fill, Major;

Firearms Business Establishment;

Forestry Activities;


Vehicle Equipment Repair (Limited);

Vehicle Equipment Repair (General);

Vehicle Equipment Sales (Limited);

Vehicle Equipment Sales (General).

(c)In the event the provisions of this Section 909.01.R.3 conflict with the uses otherwise permitted in the Golden Triangle (GT) District (whether by right, administrator exception, special exception or conditional use), the provisions of this Section 909.01.R.3 shall prevail.


Section 13.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planned Development Districts, is hereby amended at Chapter 909, Section 909.02.D, RP, Residential Planned Unit Developments, as follows:

909.02.D RP, Residential Planned Unit Developments

909.02.D.1 Purpose

The purpose of the RP provisions contained in this chapter and in applicable provisions of the Subdivision Regulations and Standards is to permit greater flexibility in the design and development of residential areas than is generally possible under the residential zoning district regulations. The regulations established hereunder permit a variety of housing structure types and associated facilities to be developed in a planned setting without some of the constraints imposed in other residential districts. The regulations are intended to encourage innovation in housing design and residential area site planning in order to meet the housing and related needs of the City's diverse population; to promote economic and efficient use of land; to provide a high level of urban amenities; and to protect the natural environment of the planned unit development site and of areas which may be affected by development on the site. It is also the intention of these regulations to prevent negative impacts upon nearby areas by limiting the intensity of development in residential planned unit development districts to a level which is compatible with that in adjacent areas and which shall insure that the capacity of community facilities, utilities and transportation systems shall not be exceeded.

909.02.D.2 Uses

In the RP district, permitted uses shall be those listed in this section that are in accordance with an approved unit development plan and recorded improvement subdivision site plan. The uses listed in this section may be contained in a single structure, separate structures or combined in multi-use structures subject to approval by the Planning Commission.

(a)Dwellings, including single-unit (attached and detached); two-unit, three-unit and multi-unit structures.

(b)The activities and structures listed in this subsection shall be permitted in locations approved by the Planning Commission and compatibly incorporated in the unified design of the residential planned unit development. In approving these uses, the Planning Commission may impose limits on size, location within the planned unit development or other aspects of their design and development that are necessary to ensure their harmonious relation to the planned unit development and to adjacent areas.

(1)Religious Assembly;

(2)Community Center;

(3)Child Care


(5)Transit Facility

(6)Parks and Recreation

(7)School, Elementary or Secondary

(8) Assisted Living (Limited and General)

(9) Senior Housing (Limited and General)

(10) Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General)

(11) Personal Care Home (Limited and General) 

(812)Uses permitted By-right in the LNC district, provided such uses comprise a minor part of the development and are designed to serve primarily residents of the planned unit development and of adjacent areas which are within convenient walking distance of the planned unit development.

(913)Accessory uses and structures.

909.02.D.3 Intensity

(a)Residential Development

The maximum intensity of residential land development in an RP district shall not exceed the higher of the following:

(1)The land use intensity associated with the residential zoning classification of the site prior to rezoning; or

(2)The land use intensity which is equal to the average of the land use intensities of the zoning districts which abut the subject property according to the procedures set forth in Sec. 909.02.C.2(b).

(b)Nonresidential Development

Nonresidential development shall comply with the following standards:

(1)The floor area ratio shall not exceed 0.5.

(2)When nonresidential uses are contained in separate buildings, the coverage of land by buildings and parking for nonresidential uses shall not exceed twenty (20) percent.

(3)Twenty (20) percent of the land area developed with nonresidential uses shall be improved as urban open space.

909.02.D.4 Off-Street Parking and Loading

Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 914.

909.02.D.5 Open Space and Recreation

The following open space and recreation ratios shall apply with RPs:

(a)Total Open Space

The total open space required shall be calculated by multiplying the gross residential land area by the applicable total open space ratio.

(b)Useable Open Space

The amount of useable open space required shall be calculated by multiplying the gross residential land area by the applicable useable open space ratio.

(c)Recreation Space

The amount of recreation space required shall be calculated by multiplying the gross residential land area by the applicable recreation space ratio

(d)Table of Required Open Space and Recreation Ratios

The following minimum open space and recreation ratios shall apply:

Applicable Floor   Area Ratio

Total Open   Space

Useable Open   Space

Recreation   Space


































































909.02.D.6 Use Exceptions

The following uses are permitted in residential planned unit development districts subsequent to recording of the improvement subdivision site plan and may be authorized without amendment thereto.

(a)Conditional Uses which are permitted after a public hearing and recommendations by the Planning Commissions and after approval by City Council in conformity with the provisions of Sec. 922.06, which are incorporated in the approved unit development plan and recorded improvement subdivision site plan:

(1)Housing for the Elderly, provided the conditions listed in Sec. 911.04.A.35 are met.

(2)Community Home, provided the conditions listed in Sec. 911.04.A.84 are met.

The Conditional Use shall be allowed only if the proposed use and structures do not result in or create:

(i)An intensity of development which exceeds that allowed in the particular RP District;

(ii)A reduction in the required area of any category of open space;

(iii)A deficit in the number of required parking or loading spaces; or

(iv)Any negative impacts affecting the planned unit development adjacent to it.

(31)Bed and Breakfast, General provided the conditions listed in Sec. 911.04.A.7, 8 and 9 are met.

(42)Communication Tower, Class C provided the conditions listed in Sec. 911.04.A.13 are met.

(b)Uses which are permitted only as Special Exceptions by the Board in conformity with the standards contained in Sec. 922.07:

(1)Assisted Living provided the conditions listed in Sec. 911.04.A.66 are met.

(2)Bed and Breakfast Limited provided the conditions listed in Sec. 911.04.A.7, 8, and 9 are met.

(3)Community Home provided the conditions listed in Sec. 911.04.A.84 are met.

(c)Uses which are authorized by the Administrator in conformity with the provisions of Sec. 922.08:

(1)Home Office (See Sec. 912.05)

(2)Lodgers, not exceeding two (2), in addition to one (1) family, in each dwelling unit as an accessory use.

(3)Temporary structure incidental to the development of land or to the erection of a real estate office for such development.



Section 14.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article V, Use Regulations, is hereby amended at Chapter 911, Section 911.02, Use Table, as follows:

911.02. Use Table

Use  Classification  The Pittsburgh Urban  Zoning Code  P = Permitted By Right  A = Administrator Exception  S = Special Exception  C = Conditional Use

Base Zoning Districts*

Standard    See  Section  911.04.x



Mixed Use





* As Base Zoning District Regulations, all uses may be subject to additional regulations imposed by applicable Overlay Zoning Districts.



























Assisted Living means a facility for the accommodation of convalescents or chronically ill persons, in which such nursing care and medical services are prescribed or are performed under the general direction of persons licensed to provide such care or services in accordance with Commonwealth laws.  This includes Nursing Homes and Assisted Living facilities as registered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Assisted Living Class A (Limited) means an Assisted Living use with less than 9 patient beds. 10 or fewer patient beds.






















































Assisted Living Class B (General) means an Assisted Living use with 9 to 17 patient beds. greater than 10 patient beds.



























Assisted Living Class C means an Assisted Living use with 18 or more patient beds.



























Community Home is a group of more than eight unrelated disabled persons living together as a single housekeeping unit with shared common facilities. If required, staff persons may reside on the premises. A Community Home may not be a Multi-Suite Residential use or an Assisted Living use as defined in Section 911.02. For the purposes of this definition, "disabled" means"handicapped" as defined according to the Fair Housing Act Amendments of 1988, 42 U.S.C.S. 3602(h), and any amendments thereto. This use does not include Custodial Care Facilities. This use includes halfway houses where persons are aided in readjusting to society following a period of hospitalization or institutionalized treatment for a medical, psychiatric, developmental, emotional, or other disability or handicap. This does not include halfway houses for people leaving a correctional facility.



























Dormitory means the use of a zoning lot for occupancy by groups of people who are not defined as a family and who are registered students at a college, university or other institution of higher learning, on a weekly basis or longer, and is managed by under the direct or indirect management of the institution at which the students are registered.



























Fraternity/Sorority means the use of a zoning lot for occupancy by groups of people who are not defined as a family and who are registered students at a college, university or other institution of higher learning, and who are members of a fraternal or other organization which take sits membership from the student population of the institution at which the students are registered, on a weekly basis or longer.






















































Housing for the Elderly Senior Housing means a building, or portion thereof, with dwelling units and shared facilities for residents, designed specifically for occupancy predominantly of persons or heads of households who are 55 or more years of age.

Housing for the Elderly Senior Housing (Limited) means a Housing for the Elderly Senior Housing use with less than 30 units.






















































Housing for the Elderly Senior Housing (General) means a Housing for the Elderly Senior Housing use with 30 or more units.



























Multi-Suite Residential means a building or portion thereof, containing rooms rented as sleeping or living quarters, without private kitchens and with or without private bathrooms. Lodging or meals or both are provided for compensation on a weekly or monthly basis. Multi-Suite Residential uses shall not include Dormitory and Fraternity/Sorority.

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited) means a Multi-Suite Residential use with less than 8 sleeping rooms.



























Multi-Suite Residential (General) means a Multi-Suite Residential use with 8 or more sleeping rooms.



























Personal Care Residence Home is a building or buildings where food, shelter and personal assistance or supervision are provided for at least one full day for three or more adults who are not relatives of the operator and who may require assistance or supervision in the matters as dressing, bathing, diet, or medication prescribed for self administration but do not require hospitalization or care in a Nursing Home. for the purpose of providing safe, humane, comfortable and supportive residential-type settings for adults outside of a long-term care facility, but who may require assistance or supervision with activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, or both. The operator of the personal care home may also be the owner of the home. This use can include shelters to prevent homelessness and half-way homes, excluding the definition of Custodial Care Facility.

Personal Care Residence Home (Large General) is a personal care residence home that provides residence to greater than 10 persons. is limited to no more than nineteen (19) persons including clients, operator (any person responsible for the day-today operation and supervision of the home) and family of the operator. An operator may also be the householder. Clients shall be limited to no more than seventeen (17) Persons.



























Personal Care Residence Home (Small Limited) is a personal care residence home that is limited to no more than 10 persons. and no fewer than three (3) persons including clients, operator (any person responsible for the day-to-day operation and supervision of the home) and family of the operator. An operator may also be the householder. Clients shall be limited to no more than eight (8) persons.






















































Interim Housing means facilities, in one or more structures, that provide housing for homeless or those facing homelessness, excluding the definition of Custodial Care Facility and Personal Care Home. Shelter and support are provided for individuals to facilitate transition to more permanent housing.  The Approving Body may provide a waiver of underlying zoning district standards to allow for flexibility so long as the use standards of 911.04.A.101 are met.






























Section 15.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article V, Use Regulations, is hereby amended at Chapter 911, Section 911.04, Use Standards, as follows:

911.04.A.23 Fraternity/Sorority and Dormitory


Fraternity/Sorority uses shall be subject to the following standards:

(1)The building shall be used solely for undergraduate or graduate students of an educational institution;

(2)The building shall be located with the EMI District of the institution at which the students are enrolled;

(3)An Operation and Management Plan for the proposed Fraternity/Sorority use shall be submitted as part of the occupancy permit application and shall describe programs of operation and management including but not limited to:

(i)Uses and activities that will occur in conjunction with the Fraternity/Sorority use;

(ii)Hours of operation of non-residential services;

(iii)Noise control; and

(iv)Traffic generation.

(4)The Approving Body shall determine that the such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the Operation and Management Plan, probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the probable hours of operation, the impacts of parking in surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;

(5)The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and

(6)The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.


Dormitory uses shall be subject to the following standards:

(1)The building shall be used solely for undergraduate or graduate students of an educational institution;

(2)The building shall be located within the same zoning district or within 1,000 feet of the same zoning district of the institution at which the students are enrolled;

(3)An Operation and Management Plan for the proposed Dormitory use shall be submitted as part of the occupancy permit application and shall describe programs of operation and management including but not limited to:

(i)Use and activity that will occur in conjunction with the Dormitory use;

(ii)Hours of operation of non-residential services;

(iii)Noise control; and

(iv)Traffic generation.

(4)The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the Operation and Management Plan, probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the probable hours of operation, the impacts of parking in surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;

(5)The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and

(6)The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.


Section 16.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article V, Use Regulations, is hereby amended at Chapter 911, Section 911.04, Use Standards, as follows:

911.04.A.35  Housing for the Elderly Senior Housing

(a)In all Districts except RIV and UC-E, UC-MU, and R-MU

Housing for the Elderly Senior Housing (Limited and General) shall be subject to the following standards in all districts:

(1)Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with group living needs for comfort, health, safety and welfare of elderly persons such as dispensaries, medical facilities, common dining facilities, group recreation facilities and similar or related facilities;.

(2)The development should be located in an area of determined need for such housing, but should not be of such a scale as to create a demographic imbalance with the neighborhood;

(3)The site should be in an area of relatively flat terrain;

(4)The site should be reasonably accessible to food markets, drug stores, medical facilities and social services;

(5)The site shall have reasonable access to public transit;

(6)The development shall provide common dining and social rooms;

(7)The site shall not be immediately adjacent to noise and pollution producing activities;

(8)Not less than forty (40) percent of the required lot shall be in usable open space at ground level, not less than eight (8) feet in width, located, arranged and oriented to provide optimal exposure to fresh air and sunlight, and developed and maintained to suit the needs of elderly people. Equivalent open space, not on the same zoning lot but easily accessible for elderly people located on public land in public control or under contractual agreement with the applicant, may be considered as meeting this requirement; and

(9)The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular programs or residents of the facility will require such additional parking;

(b)In Residential Districts and RIV-RM

Housing for the Elderly Senior Housing shall be subject to the following standards in all residential zoning districts:

(1)The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the residential character of the surrounding area; and

(2)The Approving Body may permit additional density beyond that what is permitted based on the minimum lot size per unit in the district, but not to exceed four hundred fifty (450) square feet per unit, if it finds that the additional density will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, and the design and location of parking facilities relative to surrounding properties;.

(c)In the UI District

Housing for the Elderly uses in the UI District shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Sec. 922.04.

(d)In RIV-MU, RIV-NS, and RIV-IMU, and UC-E, UC-MU, and R-MU,

Housing for the Elderly (Limited and General) shall be subject to the following standards:

(1)Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with group living needs for comfort, health, safety and welfare of elderly persons such as dispensaries, medical facilities, common dining facilities, group recreation facilities and similar or related facilities;

(2)The site should be reasonably accessible to food markets, drug stores, medical facilities and social services;

(3)The site shall have reasonable access to public transit; and

(4)The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular programs or residents of the facility will require such additional parking;

(c)In the UI District

Senior Housing uses in the UI District shall be subject to the following standards:

(1)All residential units may be limited to floors above the ground floor of the building when residential uses are not desirable on the ground floor.

(d)In the EMI District

Senior Housing uses shall be subject to the following standards in the EMI District:

(1)The proposed use shall be subject to the Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916; and

(2)The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding residential properties, taking into consideration the compatibility of the proposed use with the surrounding and adjacent properties; the generation of light and noise from the proposed use; parking, loading and access.

(e)In the UC-E District

Senior Housing uses shall meet one (1) of the following standards in the UC-E District:

(1)All the residential shall units meet the requirements of 907.04.A.6 and shall otherwise follow the processes and procedures of 907.04.A, excluding 907.04.A.5 Applicability and 907.04.A.7 and Off-Site Inclusionary Standards. One hundred (100) percent of the units shall be affordable and shall be located on site. Or

(2)Residential housing shall be less than fifty (50) percent of the Gross Floor Area in a mixed-use structure. For purposes of this calculation, shared spaces between residential uses and commercial shall be excluded from the calculation of Gross Floor Area.


Section 17.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article V, Use Regulations, is hereby amended at Chapter 911, Section 911.04, Use Standards, as follows:

911.04.A.41  Multi-Suite Residential

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:

(a)Multi-Suite Residential (Limited)

(1)In the RM R3 and Grandview Public Realm Districts

a.The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;

b.The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the residential character of the surrounding area; and

c.Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities;.

d.Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms;

e.The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular use of the facility will require such additional parking.

(2)In the LNC NDO District

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:

a.The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04;

b.The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area; and

c.Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities; and.

d.Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms.

(3)In EMI Districts

Multi-Suite Residential (Limited) shall be subject to the following standards:

a.The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area;

b.Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities;

c.The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular use of the facility will require such additional parking;

d.c. The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building; and

e.Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms; and

f.d. The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.

(b)Multi-Suite Residential (General)

(1)In the R3, RM, RIV-RM, and LNC Districts

a.The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area;

b.Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities; and

c.Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms;

d.The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular use of the facility will require such additional parking;

e.c. The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building.

(2)In the NDO and UI Districts

a.The proposed use shall be subject to Site Plan Review;

b.The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area; and

c.Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities; and.

d.Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms.

(3)In Grandview Public Realm Districts

a.The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;

b.The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the residential character of the surrounding area; and

c.Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities;.

d.Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms;

e.The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular use of the facility will require such additional parking.

(4)In EMI Districts

Multi-Suite Residential uses shall be subject to the following standards:

a.The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area;

b.Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities;

c.The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular use of the facility will require such additional parking;

d.c. The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building; and

e.Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms; and

f.d. The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.

(5)In the UC-E, UC-MU and R-MU

a.Parking shall be provided in accordance with the Parking Demand Analysis provisions of Section 914.02.B; and

b.The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building.

(6)In the UC-E District

Multi-Suite Residential uses shall meet one (1) of the following standards in the UC-E District:

(a)All residential shall units meet the requirements of 907.04.A.6 and shall otherwise follow the processes and procedures of 907.04.A, excluding 907.04.A.5 Applicability and 907.04.A.7 Off-Site Inclusionary Standards. One hundred (100) percent of the units shall be affordable and shall be located on site; or

(b)Residential housing shall be less than fifty (50) percent of the Gross Floor Area in a mixed-use structure. For purposes of this calculation, shared spaces between residential uses and commercial shall be excluded from the calculation of Gross Floor Area.


Section 18.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article V, Use Regulations, is hereby amended at Chapter 911, Section 911.04, Use Standards, as follows:

911.04.A.66  Assisted Living Facility

(a)Class A Limited

(1)In all Districts

Assisted Living Facility (Class A Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in all districts:

(i)Lot area shall be provided at the rate of five thousand (5,000) square feet plus five hundred (500) square feet for each sleeping room in excess of three (3). Every unit of two (2) beds, or fraction thereof, in a sleeping room shall be counted as a separate sleeping room. This provision may be reduced by the Board when the facility is to be located in a building that has been constructed prior to May 10, 1958;

(ii)Any Assisted Living Facility use shall be limited to no more than one (1) per building, shall not be located in a building that is occupied by any other residential type of use; and shall be spaced no closer than eight hundred (800) feet from any other authorized Assisted Living Facility, group residence facility or group care facility. This distance shall be measured imposing a circular area on an accurate plan by locating a point on the center of the subject building and by extending a radius of eight hundred (800) feet. Any other building occupied as an authorized Assisted Living Facility that is located totally within this circular space shall be cause for rejection of the application;

(iii)Supervision shall be provided in accord with the regulations of the certifying agency(ies) by at least one (1) responsible non-client adult available on the premises on a 24 hour-a-day basis while any of the clients are on the premises;

(iv)Sleeping rooms shall not be located in any basement or cellar and shall comply with all applicable life-safety codes;

(v)New buildings shall be situated within the buildable area of the lots as determined by the zoning district regulations; however, the minimum interior side yard setback in residential districts shall be not less than ten (10) feet; and

(vi)On-site parking facilities shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) stall for every two (2) full-time staff members and an additional stall for every three (3) non-staff residents who are eligible and are permitted by the operator to operate a motor vehicle.

(2) (1) In Residential and Grandview Public Realm Districts

Assisted Living Facility (Class A Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in Residential and Grandview Public Realm Districts:

(i)The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds.

(3) (2)In NDO, LNC and NDI Districts

Assisted Living Facility (Class A Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in NDO, LNC and NDI Districts:

(i)The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 922.04.

(b)Class B General

Assisted Living (Class B General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:

(1)Lot area shall be provided at the rate of five thousand (5,000) square feet plus three hundred (300) square feet for each sleeping room in excess of three (3). Every unit of two (2) beds, or fraction thereof, in a sleeping room shall be counted as a separate sleeping room. This provision may be reduced by the Board when the facility is to be located in a building that has been constructed prior to May 10, 1958;

(2)Any Assisted Living Facility use shall be limited to no more than one (1) per building, shall not be located in a building that is occupied by any other residential type of use; and shall be spaced no closer than eight hundred (800) feet from any other authorized Assisted Living Facility, group residence facility or group care facility. This distance shall be measured imposing a circular area on an accurate plan by locating a point on the center of the subject building and by extending a radius of eight hundred (800) feet. Any other building occupied as an authorized Assisted Living Facility that is located totally within this circular space shall be cause for rejection the application;

(3)Supervision shall be provided in accord with the regulations of the certifying agency(ies) by at least one (1) responsible non-client adult available on the premises on a 24 hour-a-day basis while any of the clients are on the premises;

(4)Sleeping rooms shall not be located in any basement or cellar and shall comply with all applicable life-safety codes;

(5)New buildings shall be situated within the buildable area of the lots as determined by the zoning district regulations; however, the minimum interior side yard setback in residential districts shall be not less than ten (10) feet;

(6)On-site parking facilities shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) stall for every two (2) full-time staff members and an additional stall for every three (3) non-staff residents who are eligible and are permitted by the operator to operate a motor vehicle; and

(7)The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds.

(c)Class C

(1)In all Districts

Assisted Living Facility (Class C) uses shall be subject to the following standards in all districts:

(i)Lot area shall be provided at the rate of five thousand (5,000) square feet plus three hundred (300) square feet for each sleeping room in excess of three (3). Every unit of two (2) beds, or fraction thereof, in a sleeping room shall be counted as a separate sleeping room. This provision may be reduced by the Board when the facility is to be located in a building that has been constructed prior to May 10, 1958;

(ii)Any Assisted Living Facility use shall be limited to no more than one (1) per building, shall not be located in a building that is occupied by any other residential type of use; and shall be spaced no closer than eight hundred (800) feet from any other authorized Assisted Living Facility, group residence facility or group care facility. This distance shall be measured imposing a circular area on an accurate plan by locating a point on the center of the subject building and by extending a radius of eight hundred (800) feet. Any other building occupied as an authorized Assisted Living Facility that is located totally within this circular space shall be cause for rejection of this application;

(iii)Supervision shall be provided in accord with the regulations of the certifying agency(ies) by at least one (1) responsible non-client adult available on the premises on a 24 hour-a-day basis while any of the clients are on the premises;

(iv)Sleeping rooms shall not be located in any basement or cellar and shall comply with all applicable life-safety codes;

(v)New buildings shall be situated within the buildable area of the lots as determined by the zoning district regulations; however, the minimum interior side yard setback in residential districts shall be not less than ten (10) feet; and

(vi)On-site parking facilities shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) stall for every two (2) full-time staff members and an additional stall for every three (3) non-staff residents who are eligible and are permitted by the operator to operate a motor vehicle.

(2)In RM and Grandview Public Realm Districts

In addition to the standards listed above, Assisted Living Facility (Class C) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the RM and Grandview Public Realm Districts:

(i)The facility shall be designed to appear as a residential structure, and parking shall be located and screened so as to not be visible from adjacent properties or right-of-way;

(ii)The required lot area shall be determined using the lot area requirements for residential dwelling units, allowing two (2) beds for each dwelling unit; and

(iii)The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds.

(3)In NDO, LNC, NDI, and UNC Districts

Assisted Living Facility (Class C) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the NDO, LNC, NDI, and UNC District:

(i)The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds.


Section 19.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article V, Use Regulations, is hereby amended at Chapter 911, Section 911.04, Use Standards, as follows:

911.04.A.95A  Personal Care Residence Home (Large General)


Personal Care Residence Home (Large General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:


(a)Lot area shall be provided at the rate of five thousand (5,000) square feet plus three hundred (300) square feet for each sleeping room in excess of three (3). Every unit of two (2) beds, or fraction thereof, in a sleeping room shall be counted as a separate sleeping room. This provision may be reduced by the Board when the facility is to be located in a building that has been constructed prior to May 10, 1958;


(b)Any Personal Care Residence Home shall be spaced no closer than eight hundred (800) feet from any other authorized Personal Care Residence Home or health care related facility. This distance shall be measured imposing a circular area on an accurate plan by locating a point on the center of the subject building and by extending a radius of eight hundred (800) feet. Any other building occupied as an authorized Personal Care Residence Home that is located totally within this circular space shall be cause for rejection the application;


(c)Supervision shall be provided in accord with the regulations of the certifying agency(ies) and by at least one (1) responsible non-client adult available on the premises on a twenty-four-hour-a-day basis while any of the clients are on the premises. Failure to abide by the certifying body's supervision regulations may result in revokation of an Occupancy Permit;


(d)Sleeping rooms shall not be located in any basement or cellar and shall comply with all applicable life-safety codes;


(e)New buildings shall be situated within the buildable area of the lots as determined by the zoning district regulations; however, the minimum interior side yard setback in residential districts shall be not less than ten (10) feet;


(f)On-site parking facilities shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) stall for every two (2) full-time staff members and an additional stall for every three (3) non-staff residents who are eligible and are permitted by the operator to operate a motor vehicle;


(g) (a)The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds; and.


(h)Eighty (80) percent of the clients shall be sixty-two (62) or more years of age or disabled as defined by the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988.


911.04.A.95B  Personal Care Residence Home (Small Limited) Reserved


Personal Care Residence Home (Small Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:


(a)In all Districts:


Personal Care Residences Homes (Small) shall be subject to the following standards in all districts:


(i)Lot area shall be provided at the rate of five thousand (5,000) square feet plus three hundred (300) square feet for each sleeping room in excess of three (3). Every unit of two (2) beds, or fraction thereof, in a sleeping room shall be counted as a separate sleeping room. The Board may reduce this provision when the facility is to be located in a building that has been constructed prior to May 10, 1958;


(ii)Any Personal Care Residence Home shall be spaced no closer than eight hundred (800) feet from any other authorized Personal Care Residence Home or health care related facility. This distance shall be measured imposing a circular area on an accurate plan by locating a point on the center of the subject building and by extending a radius of eight hundred (800) feet. Any other building occupied as an authorized Personal Care Residence Home that is located totally within this circular space shall be cause for rejection of this application;


(iii)Supervision shall be provided in accord with the regulations of the certifying agency(ies) and by at least one (1) responsible non-client adult available on the premises on a twenty-four-hour-a-day basis while any of the clients are on the premises. Failure to abide by the certifying body's supervision regulations may result in revokation of an Occupancy Permit;


(iv)Sleeping rooms shall not be located in any basement or cellar and shall comply with all applicable life-safety codes;


(v)New buildings shall be situated within the buildable area of the lots as determined by the zoning district regulations; however, the minimum interior side yard setback in residential districts shall be not less than ten (10) feet;


(vi)On-site parking facilities shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) stall for every two (2) full-time staff members and an additional stall for every three (3) non-staff residents who are eligible and are permitted by the operator to operate a motor vehicle; and


(vii)Eighty (80) percent of the clients shall be sixty-two (62) or more years of age or disabled as defined by the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988.


(b)(a) In RM and Grandview Public Realm Districts


In addition to the standards listed above, Personal Care Residences Homes (Small Limited) shall be subject to the following standards in the RM and Grandview Public Realm Districts:


(i)The facility shall be designed to appear as a residential structure, and parking shall be located and screened so as to not be visible from adjacent properties or right-of-way; and


(ii)The required lot area shall be determined using the lot area requirements for residential dwelling units, allowing two (2) beds for each dwelling unit;


(iii) (ii)The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds; and.


(iv)Eighty (80) percent of the clients shall be sixty-two (62) or more years of age or disabled as defined by the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988.


(c) (b)In NDO, LNC, NDI, and UNC Districts


Personal Care Residences Homes (Small Limited) shall be subject to the following standards in the NDO, LNC, NDI, and UNC District:


(i)The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds, and.


(ii)Eighty (80) percent of the clients shall be sixty-two (62) or more years of age or disabled as defined by the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988.


Section 20.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article V, Use Regulations, is hereby amended at Chapter 911, Section 911.04, Use Standards, as follows:

911.04.A.101 Interim Housing

Interim Housing uses shall be subject to the following standards in all permitted Zoning Districts:

(a)                     The applicant shall hold a Development Activities Meeting if the proposed project meets one or more of the criteria in Section 178E.08.

(b)                      Applications for Interim Housing uses shall describe programs of operation and management including but not limited to:

i.                     Site layout and access;

ii.                     Location and type(s) of living arrangements;

iii.                     Bathroom and dining facilities; and

iv.                     Storage areas.

(c)                     The Approving Body shall determine that the entity operating the Interim Housing use has the capability and plan to adequately address the items detailed in 911.04.A.101(b).

(d)                     The Approving Body may waive underlying zoning to allow for exceptions to underlying zoning standards provided that the use standards of this 911.04.A.101 are adequately addressed.

(e)                     Interim Housing Uses shall meet all applicable Fire, Building Code, Health Department, and Public Safety requirements.


Section 21.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article V, Use Regulations, is hereby amended at Chapter 912, Accessory Uses and Structures, as follows:

912.08. Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay District.

912.08.A Intent.

It is the intent of this Section to permit the construction and operation of Accessory Dwelling Units, as defined in 912.08.DB, in certain districts to provide a greater diversity of housing options in the City of Pittsburgh.

912.08.B Time Limit.

An interim Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay District shall be in effect for twenty-four (24) months from the effective date. The Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay District may be made permanent prior to the expiration of the interim Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay District.

912.08.C Adoption.

Adoption of both a Preliminary and Permanent Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay District shall be in accordance with the Zoning Map and Text Amendment Procedures of 922.05.

912.08.DB Special Definitions.

1.                     Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay District means a district which is geographically coincidental with one (1) or more districts or portions of districts as defined on the Zoning District Map, where Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted subject to the standards of this Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance, on an interim or permanent basis.

2. 1.                     Accessory Dwelling Unit means a dwelling unit smaller than 800 not greater than 1,000 square feet in area, which is accessory to a structure with a legally established single dwelling unit primary use. An Accessory Dwelling Unit may be an independent dwelling unit within a primary structure, a detached structure, or a dwelling unit located within an existing accessory structure.

912.08.EC Standards.

1.                     The requirements of this Section shall apply to both interim and permanent Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay Districts all Accessory Dwelling Units;

2.                     No Accessory Dwelling Unit may be leased for a period shorter than thirty (30) days;

3. 2.                     No more than one (1) Accessory Dwelling Unit may be located on a zoning lot Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted to be located on any lot where the primary use is a Community Center or Religious Assembly as defined in Section 911.02;

4. 3.                     The owner of a property with an Accessory Dwelling Unit must reside on-site There shall be no maximum for collective square footage across multiple accessory dwelling units;

5. 4.                     Accessory Dwelling Unit shall not exceed two (2) stories, or thirty (30) feet in height;

6. 5.                     Accessory Dwelling Unit shall be exempt from the minimum lot size and minimum lot size per unit requirements of the underlying zoning district;

7. 6.                     Aside from the provisions of 912.08.C.4, 912.08.EC.5 and 912.08.EC.6, Accessory Dwelling Units shall comply with the development standards of the underlying zoning district Accessory Use and Structure Development and Operational Standards of 912.04 and other applicable requirements of the Code, except for the minimum lot size per unit requirement;

8. 7.                     Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for an Accessory Dwelling Unit, the Applicant shall record a deed restriction obliging current and future property owners to maintain compliance with 912.08.E and 912.08.E.d[4] Projects consisting of more than 10 units shall be subject to site plan review in accordance with Section 922.04;

9. 8.                     Accessory Dwelling Units shall be exempt from the on-site parking requirements of Section 914; and

10. 9.                     Accessory Dwelling Units shall only be permitted as accessory to structures with no more than one (1) legally established residential dwelling unit. Accessory Dwelling Units shall be exempt from the residential compatibility standards of Section 916.


912.09. Interim Housing as Accessory to Religious Assembly and Community Centers

912.09.A Purpose

The standards of this section are intended to permit the Interim Housing use to be located on lots where the primary use is compatible with the Interim Housing use. 

912.09.B Standards

The following standards shall apply to Interim Housing uses as defined in Section 911.02 located in zoning districts where the use is not permitted by-right, administrator’s exception, special exception or conditional use.

912.09.B.1 Primary Use

Interim Housing uses shall be permitted as an accessory use on any lot where the primary use is a Community Center or Religious Assembly as defined in Section 911.02.

912.09.B.2 Approval

Interim Housing uses that are accessory to a Community Center or Religious Assembly use shall be permitted as a Special Exception subject to the use standards as detailed in Section 911.04.A.101.


Section 22.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article V, Use Regulations, is hereby amended at Chapter 913, Section 913.02, Administrator Exceptions, as follows:


913.02. - Administrator Exceptions.

The following uses shall be allowed as Administrator Exceptions in accordance with the Review Procedures of Sec. 922.08.

913.02.A  Reserved

913.02.B  Undermined Area Overlay District

1.                     Single-Unit Dwellings (Sec. 906.05.B.2)

913.02.C  Golden Triangle District

1.                     Limited Enlargement on a Lot not Complying with Urban Open Space Requirements (Sec. 910.01.E.1)

2.                     Open Air Restaurant and Ice-Skating Rinks in Urban Open Space (Sec. 910.01.E.2)

913.02.D  RIV North Shore District

1.                     Conversion of Existing Buildings to Museum Use (Sec. 910.02.E.1)

2.                     Structures which Penetrate the Inclined Height Plane (Sec. 910.02.E.2)

913.02.E  Parking Loading and Access Regulations

1.                     Review and Approval Procedure for Small Facilities (Sec. 914.07.D.1)

2.                     Shared Parking (Sec. 914.07.G.1(a))

3.                     Valet Parking (Sec. 914.07.G.1(b))

4.                     Exceptions to Parking and Loading Area Dimensional Standards (Sec. 914.11.B.1)

5.                     Exceptions to Off-Street Loading Schedule (Sec. 914.11.B.2)

6.                     Shared and Off-Site Loading (Sec. 914.11.B.3)

7.                     Exception to Off-Street Parking Requirements for Infill Housing (Sec. 914.11.B.4)

913.02.F  Other Administrator Exceptions

1.                     Alternative Compliance to Landscaping and Screening Requirements (Sec. 918.06)

2.                     Features Allowed Within Setbacks (Sec. 925.06.G)

3.                     The Zoning Administrator is authorized under the provisions of 922.08 to allow a change of use from either a conforming or non-conforming Group Residential use or institutional use such as a school or hospital to a Group Residential use, excluding dormitory and fraternity/sorority.  This Administrator Exception shall supersede 911.02, except any Use Standards in 911.04 shall apply if listed for the applicable Zoning District.                                                                                                                               

4.                     The Zoning Administrator is authorized to approve exceptions to use and development regulations that conflict with the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq., or the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § 12101.


Section 23.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IX, Measurements and Definitions, is hereby amended at Chapter 926, Definitions, as follows:


76.Family means:


(a)An individual, or two (2) or more persons related by blood or marriage or adoption, living together in a dwelling unit; or


(b) A group of not more than three (3) persons who need not be related by blood or marriage or adoption, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit, and shared common facilities as considered reasonably appropriate for a family related by blood, marriage or adoption; in either case exclusive of usual servants; or


(c)A group of not more than eight (8) unrelated disabled people living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit and sharing common facilities as considered reasonably appropriate for a family related by blood, marriage or adoption. If appropriate, one (1) staff person may reside on the premises and will not be included in the total number of occupants. Any additional staff shall be included in the total number of occupants. A Family may not be a Multi-Suite Residential facility as defined in Sec. 911.02 or an Assisted Living facility as defined in Sec. 911.02.

A person living independently or a group of persons living as a single household unit using housekeeping facilities in common.


Section 24.                      The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IX, Measurements and Definitions, is hereby amended at Chapter 926, Definitions, as follows:


87.Group Residential means the use of a site for residential occupancy by groups of people not defined as a family, on a weekly or longer basis and that typically provides communal kitchen/dining facilities. Typical uses include assisted living facilities, personal care homes, fraternity or sorority houses, dormitories, residence halls, boarding/lodging houses, convents and monasteries.