Presented by Mr. Lavelle
Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Safety and the Acting Chief of Police, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, to enter into a grant agreement with The Pittsburgh Foundation (Grant Agreement) in order to establish the Officer Rocco K-9 Memorial Fund (Fund).
WHEREAS, the City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police-Canine Division seeks to receive Fund proceeds in order to make legitimate expenditures as authorized by the Grant Agreement, including but not limited to protective vests for the Bureau of Police Officer Canines;
WHEREAS, the City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police-Canine Division requires Council's authorization to execute additional agreements in order to purchase said protective vests and any other equipment or services that may be necessary to carry out the purpose of said Grant Agreement and corresponding Fund. As of August 6, 2014, there is ninety-six thousand thirty-five dollars ($96,035.00) invested in the Fund and twenty-six thousand two hundred seventy-three dollars ($26,273.00) thereof is available for immediate use.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Director of Public Safety and the Acting Chief of Police, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into a grant agreement with The Pittsburgh Foundation (Grant Agreement) in order to establish the Officer Rocco K-9 Memorial Fund (Fund). The Fund shall be comprised of donations and will be used exclusively for expenses related to the City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police-Canine Division. The Grant Agreement shall be approved as to form and substance by the City Solicitor. Donations to the Fund shall be deposited into 2329400120.48311.00.
Section 2. The Director of Public Safety and the Acting Chief of Police, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby further authorized to enter into any additional agreements and to make all legitimate expenditures in connection therewith as may be permitted under the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement and corresponding Fund. Each year the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police-Canine Division is authorized to draw up to 5% of the invested monies from the Fund in order to pay for canine-related expenses, including but not limited to protective vests for the Bureau of Police Officer Canines, which shall be chargeable to and payable from 2329400120.50000.00.
There is no fixed term for this Grant Agreement or the Fund. As 95% of the Fund's donated monies are invested and additional donations are anticipated, the annual 5% drawdown is expected to continue for years provided the Fund continues to grow and/or remains stable. Additional donations to the Fund shall be deposited into 2329400120.48311.00, and subsequent expenditures from the Fund shall be chargeable to and payable from 2329400120.50000.00.