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File #: 2024-1072    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Passed Finally
File created: 10/18/2024 In control: Committee on Land Use and Economic Development
On agenda: 10/22/2024 Final action: 11/4/2024
Enactment date: 11/4/2024 Enactment #: 789
Effective date: 11/6/2024    
Title: Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to enter into an Agreement or Agreement(s) with agencies to provide emergency shelter services, street outreach services, rental assistance and housing relocation and stabilization services, and/or data collection activities, as associated with 2024 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds at a cost not to exceed $1,195,104.00-One Million, One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand, One Hundred Four Dollars.
Attachments: 1. 2024-1072 Cover Letter-Emergency Solutions Grant_PY24_Legislation_Letter_JP_Signed, 2. 2024-1072 Waiver Letter ESG letter September 27, 2024, 3. Summary 2024-1072


Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to enter into an Agreement or Agreement(s) with agencies to provide emergency shelter services, street outreach services, rental assistance and housing relocation and stabilization services, and/or data collection activities, as associated with 2024 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds at a cost not to exceed $1,195,104.00-One Million, One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand, One Hundred Four Dollars.



Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:


Section 1.                     The Mayor and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with agencies to provide emergency shelter services, street outreach services, rental assistance and housing relocation and stabilization services, and/or data collection activities, as associated with 2024 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds at a cost not to exceed $1,195,104.00-One Million, One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand, One Hundred Four Dollars. 


 Funds shall be paid from the following accounts:


2024 Emergency Solutions Grant


Job Number



Budget Amount


Pittsburgh Mercy Health Systems Inc.

Bethlehem Haven Emergency Shelter

$   252,000.00


East End Cooperative Ministry

Emergency Shelter /Orr Center

$   168,104.00


FamilyLinks, Inc.

Downtown Outreach Center & Shelter (DOCS)

$    105,000.00


Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania

North Side Common Ministries, Pleasant Valley Emergency Shelter

$     80,000.00


Allegheny County Department of Human Services

HMIS Services

$      70,000.00


Allegheny County Department of Human Services

Coordinated Entry

$      70,000.00



Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Rehousing Lead Agency services

$    450,000.00



Finally, that any Ordinance or Resolution or part thereof conflicting with the provisions of this Resolution, is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this Resolution.