WHEREAS, the Federation of War Veterans Societies of Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh will hold its 105th Annual Veterans Day Parade on Monday, November 11, 2024 at 10:30 starting at the intersection of 10th and Liberty Avenue; and,
WHEREAS, the Grand Marshal this year is Korean War Veteran John DeFilippo. Mr. DeFilippo was in Army Combat infantry and received the Purple Heart for wounds suffered on August 2, 1952 on Heartbreak Ridge. While loaded down with ammunition and hand grenades, John was hit with artillery and mortar fire. All of the ammo blew up and he had injuries to his back, leg, arms and suffered hearing loss. A MASH unit removed shrapnel and he spent 2 months in a hospital. After discharge, he was sent back to guard POWs and then back to the front line. He was sent home in July 1953 and learned of the armistice while aboard ship; and,
WHEREAS, Pittsburgh’s Veterans Day Parade helps to fulfill the mission of The Federation by teaching and fostering the importance of recognizing our veterans and all they have sacrificed for our nation; and,
WHEREAS, it is always a great honor and privilege for our city to pay tribute to the men and women who serve and have served in our armed forces. The City of Pittsburgh does hereby call upon all its citizens to observe November 11 as Veterans Day and to honor all war veterans living within the City of Pittsburgh and solemnly remember the sacrifice of all those who fought so valiantly to preserve our heritage of freedom; and,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby commend the Federation of War Veterans Societies of Allegheny County for their continued dedication to all of our veterans and for their hard work in making each year's Veterans Day parade a great success; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Monday, November 11, 2024, to be “Federation of War Veterans Societies Day” in the City of Pittsburgh.