Resolution amending Resolution 83 of 2017 to further authorize the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Personnel and Civil Service to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement or Agreements with Partner4Work for the shared operation and administration of the 2017 Learn and Earn Summer Youth Employment Program in an amount not to exceed Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000.00) in addition to the prior authorized Cooperation Agreement or Agreements with the County of Allegheny and Partner4Work for the shared operation and administration of the Program.
Whereas, pursuant to Resolution 83 of 2017, effective March 6, 2017, City Council authorized the City to enter into a Cooperation Agreement or Agreements with the County of Allegheny and Partner4Work (“P4W”) for the shared operation and administration of the 2017 Learn and Earn Summer Youth Employment Program (the “Program,”) with the City’s contribution towards the Program being an amount not to exceed Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars (($800,000.00) to be paid under the Cooperation Agreement or Agreements; and
Whereas, Resolution 83 also referenced a future amendment to this Resolution to seek authorization for the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Personnel to into a Subrecipient Agreement or Agreements with P4W to add additional funding in an amount not to exceed Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000.00) for the Program if the City was awarded Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”) Funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”); and
Whereas, the City has since learned that it will be receiving a CDBG funding award from HUD; however, due to the adjusted schedule of the passing of the applicable federal budget and corresponding delayed approval of the City’s Annual Action Plan by HUD, the City will not receive its CDBG allocation until later in the year; and
Whereas, because P4W needs access to additional funding for the Program as soon as possible, pursuant to Resolution 197 of 2017, effective April 24, 2017, Council amended the City’s 2017 Capital Budget to transfer Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000.00) from Capital Equipment Acquisition to Pittsburgh Summer Youth Employment; and
Whereas, these non-CDBG funds identified in that transfer (the “Gap Funds”) will now be made available for P4W to cover additional Program costs that will accrue during the Summer of 2017; and
Whereas, because it is anticipated that the Gap Funds amount ($700,000.00) will subsequently be reimbursed to the 2017 Capital Budget upon the receipt of the City’s CDBG fund allocation, the Subrecipient Agreement must contain terms that require P4W to make all expenditures using the Gap Funds in accordance with applicable CDBG grant regulations; and
Whereas, in addition to the City being authorized to enter into the aforementioned Cooperation Agreement or Agreements with P4W and the County of Allegheny to the shared operation and administration of the Program, the City and P4W also wish to enter into a separate Subrecipient Agreement or Agreements to set forth their respective duties and obligations with respect to P4W’s receipt of additional funding for the Program.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Resolution 83 of 2017 is hereby amended by deleting original Section 3 and adding new Sections 3 and 4 as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Director of the Department of Personnel and Civil Service Commission, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into a Cooperation Agreement or Agreements with the County of Allegheny and Partner4Work for the shared operation and administration of the 2017 Learn and Earn Summer Youth Employment program, with the City’s contribution under the Cooperation Agreement being an amount not to exceed Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000.00) to be paid from:
JDE Number Item Number Amount
11101.109000.58.58101.2017 5104 $800,000.00
The authorized Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement or Agreements shall be approved by the City Solicitor as to form and substance.
Section 2. The final language of the Cooperation Agreement between the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, and Partner4Work shall require the continuation of the Advisory Committee to monitor the 2017 Learn and Earn Summer Youth Employment Program. The Advisory Committee will include a representative from City Council and a representative from the Department of Personnel and Civil Service.
[Section 3. Contingent upon HUD’s approval of the City’s Annual Action Plan for 2017, the Mayor and Director of the Department of Personnel and Civil Service will seek City Council approval to amend this Resolution to authorize the City to enter into an additional Subrecipient Agreement or Agreements with Partner4Work to add an amount not to exceed Seven Hundred Thousand ($700,000.00) in additional funding for Partner4Work’s operation and administration work for the 2017 Learn and Earn Summer Youth Employment Program.]
Section 3. The Mayor and the Director of the Department of Personnel and Civil Service Commission, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are further hereby authorized to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement or Agreements with Partner4Work for the shared operation and administration of the 2017 Learn and Earn Summer Youth Employment Program with funding in an amount not to exceed Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000.00) (the “Gap Funds”) to be paid from:
JDE Number Item Number Amount
0906323117.58101.00 5104 $700,000,00
The Subrecipient Agreement or Agreements between the parties must be approved by the City Solicitor as to form and substance.
Section 4. Although the authorized Subreceipient Agreement or Agreements invoices will be paid with the non-CDBG Gap Funds, because the City will likely use CDBG funds, once received, to reimburse the 2017 Capital Budget, the Subrecipient Agreement must include terms and conditions requiring compliance with CDBG regulations pertaining to grant-funding expenditures. However, the Gap Funds authorized per this Amending Resolution may be paid to P4W under the Subrecipient Agreement even if the City does not ultimately reimburse the City’s 2017 Capital Budget with CDBG funds.