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File #: 2025-1426    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed Finally
File created: 1/22/2025 In control: Committee on Finance and Law
On agenda: 1/22/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Enactment date: 2/4/2025 Enactment #: 3
Effective date: 2/14/2025    
Title: Ordinance Directing the Allegheny County Board of Elections to place before the qualified voters of the City of Pittsburgh at the 2025 May Primary Election a referendum question, "Shall the Pittsburgh Home Rule Charter, Article One, Home Rule Powers - Definitions, be supplemented by adding a new section, "104. Amendments to Charter", by prohibiting the use of the Home Rule Charter Amendment process to add duties or obligations beyond the lawful scope of the city's authority." (Public Hearing held 2/3/25)
Sponsors: Erika Strassburger, R. Daniel Lavelle, Robert Charland, Anthony Coghill, Bobby Wilson
Indexes: Home Rule Charter


Ordinance Directing the Allegheny County Board of Elections to place before the qualified voters of the City of Pittsburgh at the 2025 May Primary Election a referendum question, "Shall the Pittsburgh Home Rule Charter, Article One, Home Rule Powers - Definitions, be supplemented by adding a new section, “104. Amendments to Charter”, by prohibiting the use of the Home Rule Charter Amendment process to add duties or obligations beyond the lawful scope of the city’s authority."

(Public Hearing held 2/3/25)



Whereas, the City of Pittsburgh is bound by the Constitution of the United States, the Pennsylvania Constitution, and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and,


Whereas, the City of Pittsburgh is recognized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as city of the second class; and,


Whereas, the City has adopted a Home Rule Charter to govern its operations, which may be amended via ballot initiative; and,


Whereas, certain far-reaching ballot initiative efforts, if successful, would amend the Home Rule Charter to add functions or duties that exceed the limits imposed upon the City by the Constitution of the United States, the Pennsylvania Constitution, and the laws of Pennsylvania; and,


Whereas, the preparation of such amendments nonetheless consumes time and resources for the Allegheny County Elections Division, as well as demand the eventual attention of the City’s Department of Law; and,


Whereas, for practical and legal reasons, it is in the best interests of the City of Pittsburgh to avoid the adoption of inherently unlawful proposals.



The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:


Section 1.                     The Allegheny County Board of Elections is hereby directed to place before the qualified voters of the City of Pittsburgh at the 2025 May Primary Election a referendum question:


"Shall the Pittsburgh Home Rule Charter, Article One, Home Rule Powers - Definitions, be supplemented by adding a new section, “104. Amendments to Charter”, by prohibiting the use of the Home Rule Charter Amendment process to add duties or obligations beyond the lawful scope of the city’s authority."



                     Pursuant to applicable law, this Charter may be amended, or study commission authorized, by petition of qualified electors of the city or by Ordinance of Council. Amendments to this Charter must be binding upon the municipality. Nonbinding amendments, or amendments prescribing duties or obligations inconsistent or in conflict with the lawful powers or duties of the municipality are expressly prohibited.


I do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance duly engrossed and certified, was delivered by me to the Mayor for his approval or disapproval and that the Mayor failed to approve or disapprove the same, whereupon it became a law without his approval under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. 

Kimberly Clark-Baskin, City Clerk