Presented by Mr. Kraus
Resolutiopn vacating a portion of Edna Street between Marion Street and Van Braam Street in the 1st Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh.
WHEREAS, it appears by the petition and affidavit on file in the Office of the City Clerk that the owners of all the property fronting or abutting on the line of Edna Street between Marion Street and Van Braam Street in the 1st Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh, have petitioned the council of the City of Pittsburgh to enact a resolution for the vacation of same, and
WHEREAS, said petition contains inter-alia, an indemnification of the city from any claims and from the payment of any damages whatsoever resulting to any properties owned by the petitioners or by and persons whatsoever, abutting or non-abutting, for or by reason of said vacation; therefore
Be it resolved that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. That vacating a portion of Edna Street between Marion Street and Van Braam Street as described; All that certain right of way to be vacated, being a portion of Edna Street, 24.03 feet wide, situate in the 1st Ward, City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, more particularly bound and described as follows:
Beginning at a point at the intersection of the southerly right of way line of Edna Street, 24.03 feet wide, and the easterly right of way line of Marion Street 50.06 feet wide; thence from said point of beginning by the easterly right of way line of Marion Street N 03º 22' 35" E a distance of 24.03 feet to a point on the northerly right of way line of said Edna Street; thence by the northerly right of way line of said Edna Street S 87º 40' 30" E a distance of 388.60 feet to a point on the westerly right of way line of Van Braam Street, 50.06 feet wide; thence by the westerly right of way line of Van Braam Street S 02º 20' 00" W a distance of 24.03 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of said Edna Street; thence by the southerly right of way line of said Edna Street N 87º 40' 30" W a distance of 389.04 feet to a point at the intersection of the southerly right of way line of said Edna Street and the easterly right of way line of said Marion Street, at the point of beginning.
Containing an area of 9,343 square feet or 0.214 acre.
Section 2. This resolution, however, shall not take effect or be on any force or validity unless owners of all the property fronting or abutting on Edna Street between Marion Street and Van Braam Street as vacated by this resolution, shall, within sixty days after the effective date of this resolution, pay $93,430.00 use of the City of Pittsburgh.