Presented by Mr. Bodack
Resolution amending and supplementing Resolution No. 759, effective January 1, 2007, entitled: “Adopting and approving the 2007 Capital Budget and the 2007 Community Development Block Grant Program: and approving the 2007 through 2012 Capital Improvement Program,” by adding Computer Upgrades $15,000, Scuba Equipment $41,000, Communications-Portable Radios, $30,000, Building Upgrades/Improvements $19,000, Hydraulic Rescue Tools $25,000, Personal Protective Equipment $15,000 and Medical Cart Trailer $5,000, and by decreasing Bariatric High Capacity Stretcher $150,000, all within the Bureau of EMS.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. Amending and supplementing Resolution No. 759, effective January 1, 2007, entitled: “Adopting and approving the 2007 Capital Budget and the 2007 Community Development Block Grant Program: and approving the 2007 through 2012 Capital Improvement Program,” which presently reads as follows:
Bariatric High Capacity Stretcher $150,000
Fund 6100
Org 220000
Sub-Class PGHPR
Project/Grant 2267328
Budget Year 2007
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Computer Upgrades $15,000
Fund 6100
Org 220000
Sub-Class PGHPR
Project/Grant 2267329
Budget Year 2007
Scuba Equipment $41,000
Fund 6100
Org 220000
Sub-Class PGHPR
Project/Grant 2262033
Budget Year 2007
Communications-Portable Radios $30,000
Fund 6100
Org 220000
Sub-Class PGHPR
Project/Grant 2262020
Budget Year 2007
Building Upgrades/Improvements $19,000
Fund 6100
Org 220000
Sub-Class PGHPR
Project/Grant 2262001
Budget Year 2007
Hydraulic Rescue Tools $25,000
Fund 6100
Org 220000
Sub-Class PGHPR
Project/Grant 2267185
Budget Year 2007
Personal Protective Equipment $15,000
Fund 6100
Org 220000
Sub-Class PGHPR
Project/Grant 2262008
Budget Year 2007
Medical Cart Trailer $5,000
Fund 6100
Org 220000
Sub-Class PGHPR
Project/Grant 2267342
Section 2. In all other respects, Resolution 759, effective January 1, 2007, remains unchanged and in full force and effect.