WHEREAS, in 2008, the non-profit Get Involved! Inc. was founded by dedicated community leader Allegheny County Councilman Tom Baker; and,
WHEREAS, Get Involved!’s mission is to provide leadership and development programs and initiatives that engage, energize, educate, and empower students, young professionals, and lifelong learners to make a positive difference in their communities and to become civically engaged; and,
WHEREAS, Get Involved!’s hope is that student leaders will smoothly transition into their careers through active community involvement; and,
WHEREAS, Get Involved! inspires, educates, and springs interested participants into action by coordinating courses, events, and seminars focused on vital issues such as service, leadership, and philanthropy; and,
WHEREAS, Get Involved! organizes Service Summits to bring together hundreds of students, young professionals, and community leaders to learn from keynote speakers about best practices and strategies to make a larger difference in the region; and,
WHEREAS, the 8th Annual Get Involved!, Inc. Pittsburgh Service Summit is on March 28, 2017 at the St. Agnes Center at Carlow University, featuring keynote speakers Esther Bush- CEO of the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh, Maggie Jensen- CEO of the YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh, and County Executive Rich Fitzgerald; and,
WHEREAS, The 2017 Get Involved! Pittsburgh Leadership Awards will be presented at Carlow University in the St Agnes Center from 5:30-8:30pm; and,
WHEREAS, this year’s awards will go to Emmai Alaquiva, Aradhna Oliphant, Diwas Timsina, Michaela Buzzard, Kevin White, Larry Berger, Adonna Anderson, Jenna Baron, Emily Brown, Thomas Bryant, Curt Conrad, Brae Gearly, Cara Mia Grassi, Brittany Huffman, Shenay Jeffrey, Harry Johnson II, Jose Miguel Juarez, Daniel Lampmann, Kylie LaSota, Wesley Lyons, Mandy McNabb, Representative Jason Ortitay, Joe Ortman, Ryan O’Shea, Lisa Philipp, Samone Riddle, Jenny Sabol, Victoria Snyder, Ben Stoviak, Aster Teclay, Shannon Williams and Robbie Zaremberg; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby recognize Councilman Tom Baker and Get Involved!, Inc. for organizing this annual Service Summit focused on civic engagement that impacts the lives of thousands of individuals; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Tuesday, March 28, 2017 to be “Get Involved!, Inc. Service Summit Day” in the City of Pittsburgh.