Presented by Mr. Udin
Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Chapter 911.02 (Use Table) to provide a definition for the use of Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility and Chapter 911.04(Use Standards) to provide use standards for same.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1.
A. Insert the following into Chapter 911.02 (Use Table):
Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility means a facility where a practitioner authorized by law sells, dispenses, distributes or gives any controlled substance including, but not limited to methadone, to any person known by such practitioner to be or whom such practitioner has reason to know is a drug dependent person, unless said substance is prescribed, administered, dispensed or given for the cure or treatment of some malady other than drug dependency.
B. Insert the following in Chapter 911.02 (Use Table):
Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility as a Use by Special Exception in the HC (Highway Commercial) and GI (General Industrial) Zoning Districts and as a Conditional Use in the GT (Golden Triangle) and UI (Urban Industrial) Zoning Districts.
C. Add the following to Chapter 911.04 (Use Standards):
911.04.A.96 Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility
Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility uses shall be subject to the following standard in the GT, HC, UI and GI Zoning Districts:
(a) The building housing a Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility shall be located at least 500 feet from the following uses:
(1) All Residential Uses;
(2) School, Elementary or Secondary;
(3) Vocational School;
(4) College or University Campus;
(5) Educational Classroom Space;
(6) Parks and Recreation;
(7) Child Care; and
(8) Religious Assembly.
(b) The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, hours of operation and other associated impacts.