WHEREAS, Eighteen different, community-based organizations from the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County were represented in the Core Series 2010 Program which was hosted by the Community Technical Assistance Center, Inc. (CTAC); and
WHEREAS, This program consisted of numerous workshops that were designed to strengthen community-based, non-profit organizations within the realms of leadership, board development, meeting effectiveness, communication, financial management, strategic planning, and fund raising, with these elements being reflective of CTAC's mission to develop and strengthen neighborhoods by investing in the skills of volunteers and staff; and
WHEREAS, Twenty four community leaders and eighteen community organizations from the Pittsburgh area have completed the CTAC Core Series 2010 Program and will be honored at a recognition ceremony to be hosted by CTAC and Pittsburgh City Council on March 16, 2010 in the City-County Building;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby wish to recognize and honor the community leaders and organizations for their commitment to the Core Series 2010 Program:
Matthew Bartko
Public Allies Pittsburgh
Phyllis B. Bianculli
Pittsburgh Hilltop Alliance
Moses Carper
Observatory Hill, Inc.
Doug Crothers
Pitcairn Community Renaissance
Virginia Crothers
Pitcairn Community Renaissance
Ruth Ann Daily
Community Alliance of Spring Garden - East Deutschtown
Raquel R. Davila
Public Allies Pittsburgh
Brandon J. Davis
Larimer Consensus Group
Terry Fluker
Save Race Street Committee
Frederick J. Johnson, Jr.
Heroes Today
John Kelly
Millvale Borough Development Corporation
Bridgette Kennedy
Bidwell Training Center
Marissa Klein
Riverview U.P. Food Bank
Andrea Lavin Kossis
Community Design Center of Pittsburgh
Karen McLellan
Northside Leadership Conference
Jill Olds
Mr. Smalls/Creative Life Support Records
Allison Peebles
Public Allies Pittsburgh
Carolyn Peeks
Larimer Consensus Group
George Pitcher
Dormont Community Development Corporation
Melvin C. Pollard
Pittsburgh Hilltop Alliance
William R. Pricener
YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh - Allegheny Branch
Debbie Reed
California Kirkbride Neighbors
Marciana Rossi
West Side United Community Development Corporation
John Taormina
YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh - Allegheny Branch
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby wish to congratulate these individuals and organizations for their completion of CTAC's Core Series 2010 Program, while also commending them on their impressive level of dedication and hard work within the City of Pittsburgh.